Chapter 4

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"Hold on Kageyama. You and this beauty used to be together? AND YOU DIDN'T LOCK HIM DOWN? I thought as your senpai I taught you better" Tanaka announced before dramatically falling on the floor.

"Can we please drop this and continue eating?" it was obvious that a few others wanted to say something but Kageyama was upset. Oikawa didn't comment further and sat at Seijoh's table, next to Iwaizumi.

"Do you want to get some food?" the brunette just nodded at Iwaizumi's question. Both of them stood up and went to the lunch lady.

"I don't want to pry but when did you date Kageyama?" the younger one sighed and pulled Iwaizumi outside with him. He directly went to the vending machines to buy himself a pack of milk bread.

"Want anything?" the shorter one shook his head. Oikawa immediately opened the pack and sat down on the floor. Iwaizumi sat next to him. "Tobio and I used to date for 2 years. We started dating in my second year in high school. We weirdly made it work even though we are so different. But then after high school, my knee gave out. I always had problems with it but still pushed through. I was so upset because I couldn't play pro anymore. But Tobio could, he had always a natural talent. Something which I didn't. Now you see where that talent got him. But we didn't break up over a fight or anything we broke up because we had now different goals in life. We had less time for each other and then I moved away so it was harder to stay in contact. In the end, we just decided we should break up and that's it."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay it was a long time ago. But I don't know what will happen now that we are at the same college"

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Iwaizumi hesitantly asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure I don't. But he seems angry at me. Couldn't even look me in the eyes"

"Maybe he had a harder time getting over you than you had with him?"

"I don't know." Iwaizumi didn't say anything else knowing that the brunette didn't seem to want to continue talking about that topic. Iwaizumi was just about to wrap his arms around Oikawa but jumped back when someone slammed the door open.

"OIKAWA THERE YOU ARE! Stupid Iwa don't steal my new friend" Bokuto angrily said. The owl haired student wasn't alone. He had a messy black-haired, brown-eyed tall guy with him.

"I wasn't stealing him we were just buying a snack"

"Oikawa this is Kuroo the one I told you about! He is my best bro"

"Kuroo Tetsuroo, science major and junior nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm Oikawa Tooru" the brunette gave a smile despite not feeling well. His smile didn't reach his eyes which only Iwaizumi noticed since Kuroo and Bokuto continued speaking to Oikawa.

The day ended pretty quickly and both Oikawa and Iwaizumi made their way to their room. Iwaizumi opened the door and let Oikawa in first. The brunette flopped down on his bed face down. The older one sat on the floor next to the bed.

"Are you alright? I can get you more milk bread if you want" he just got a tiny "yes please" as a reply. The shorter male went to the nearest vending machine in Aoba Johsai. He went face to face with Hanamaki who had a bunch of snacks in his arms.

"Oh hey, Iwa! What are you doing here? Thought you hated these vending machines?"

"I do I'm just getting some milk bread for Oikawa" Hanamaki had a smug look on his face after Iwa's reply. "What? Get that stupid look off your face" Iwaizumi threatened.

"It's interesting how our stoic Iwa-chan does something for someone else. Especially someone he just met" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Don't call me that. It's less cute when you say it" Iwaizumi immediately slapped his hand over his mouth after those words slipped.


"Shut up." Hanamaki got an elbow in the ribs. "I'm not in love. I just met him today"

"Ever heard of love at first sight?"

"That doesn't exist this isn't a fairy tale"

"Ah my adorable little kohai you have to believe for once"

"We are the same age." ignoring Iwaizumi's remark the pink-haired male continued.

"Real talk that incident in the cafeteria was something else! Who would have thought Kageyama is into older pretty boys. Didn't think that kid could like anything else other than volleyball"

"I kind of want to know more about their past. Oikawa only explained the reason why they broke up"

"Why not ask then?"

"He is a little sad right now and I don't want to ruin his mood even more"

"Ask Kageyama tomorrow. After their announcement, everyone has been wondering how he got it anyway. Considering his personality"

"I will try but if he gets uncomfortable I will just drop it" Hanamaki nodded enthusiastically.

"Good idea! I should go and you should give your future husband his milk bread" Iwaizumi scoffed and went around Hanamaki to reach the vending machines. He didn't know what flavor Oikawa would prefer right now so he just took every flavor. His arms full of milk bread Iwaizumi made his way back to his room. He nodded for a freshman near the door to open it. Oikawa was still laying face down on his bed. But he had an alien plush tugged under his arm.

"I didn't know which one you exactly like so I just brought anything" Oikawa's eyes widened by the amount of milk bread Iwaizumi put on his bed.

"That's probably gonna be enough for a whole month"

"Just a month? How can you eat this much and still be skinny"

"It's called fast metabolism" Oikawa proudly exclaimed. He got the nearest pack of milk bread which was macha flavored and opened it up. He happily took a bite and Iwaizumi chuckled at the satisfying look Oikawa had.

"That good?" Oikawa nodded and held out the bread for Iwaizumi. He took a bite and scrunched up his nose at the sweet taste. "That's so sweet."

"I know right! It's amazing~" Iwaizumi didn't want to confess that he didn't like the milk bread at all. "How much was it? Let me pay you back"

"No need it's on me this time"

"Boo but I want to pay you back" Oikawa pouted and Iwaizumi had to hold back his urge to kiss the younger one. 'Why am I like this? I just met him' Iwaizumi angrily thought.

"You can just pay for something else next time." Oikawa still wasn't completely happy about that but at least it was a compromise.

"Also I had a question for you. Why does this room like a tiny flat?" Iwaizumi laughed at it. Haiku college really spoiled their students.

"It's just in case something happens. Like we have a kitchen in case the cafeteria has something you really don't want to eat. We also have wifi in case we are sick and then can log in to our classes. The bathroom is pretty self-explaining. The television is from me, I brought it with me after leaving Miyagi."

"You're also from Miyagi?" Iwaizumi nodded. "Me too!"

"So that means Kageyama as well? Why didn't he ever mention it"

"Because he hated it there"

"Why? I always loved staying there it was hard to leave but Tokyo just gave me better opportunities for my future"

"Tobio-chan wasn't very popular at school. That's the only thing I can say." Iwaizumi had a questioning expression but knew this was again a sensitive topic.
"About your knee. Can you completely not play volleyball or just not play pro?"

"I'm still allowed to play from time to time as long as I don't overdo it. Why are you asking?"

"Are you up for a set with the others?"

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