Chapter 14 Darkness over Onirico

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(Hours later Tesla, Eris and Hulda were in town looking for dresses as well. Tesla looks around, she felt disgusted by all the frilly girly dresses everywhere she had seen. Suddenly she came up with a plan. )

Tesla: Agh all this girly shit is making me sick.

(As she rubs the bruise on her arm)

Eris: Well where are we going to get dresses then?

(Eris crosses her arms)

Tesla: I have tailors at my palace they've always made my dresses, there's no one in this world that I trust to make my clothes.

(Hulda glares at Tesla arm and then back to Eris)

Hulda: How are you going to cover that bruise?

(She says while not looking at Tesla)

Eris: How's your arm feeling?

(Tesla glares at the girls, as she pulls her sleeve down enough to cover her bruise.)

Tesla: It will be gone by then I have a remedies to get rid of it. Also I'll need to make arrangements for the dresses.

(Hulda quickly changes the subject to cheer up Tesla.)

Hulda: Good! But before we go back to the academy let's have a little fun. Shall we?

Eris: (giggles) How about that couple across the street?

(Tesla smirks, as she looks at Hulda and Eris. Hulda starts her chant first.)

Hulda: In ispa elementa tenebris haoma!

(Hulda lashes her manipulation ability at the couple, forcing the couple to see hell in their eyes. As the girl gets on her knees crying. The poor women blind by the horrible illusions covered, tearing her face. It was Eris's turn she didn't want to waste her smoke apple bombs. So she decided to send her curse apples.)

Eris: Sicut pomum exitialem osculum meum maledicta dabo tibi damnationem fractus animo.

(Eris swiftly kisses the curse apple and lays it on the floor, it slowly starts rolling to the freighting women. In a flash of smoke hysterically crying and yelling came from the terrified couple. As if every bone in their body breaking, ripping, tearing apart. But it was only an illusion it was really their souls breaking in terror within them.)

Tesla: Aww good work girls. Now let's show them how hell really is!

(Dark smoke  began coming from the palm of Tesla's hands. Soon thunder clouds began covering the small peaceful town, as if a storm was brewing in. The streets began to turn dark she summons the darkest thing she could think of.)

Tesla: Veni ergo nunc praestolatio mea creaturae tenebris, inducam mala in coniuges. No! this  town I want to show who is truly the queen of the dark is not that pale skank. I want this town to feel my pain!  Come forth!

(Demons of the dark arose from the shadows. Black beings with sharp fangs, with red bright eyes hunger for blood. As they grunt waiting for their master to set them free to terrorized the town.)

Tesla: Sweeties, before you go and terrorized the people. I need you to not kill anyone if you do! They'll be consequences!

(Eris whisper to Hulda)

Eris:* I love how evil she is.*

(Hulda grins)

Tesla: NOW GO!

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