Chapter 10 Tormentors Plan

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Luna: What are you talking about? It was you right; I was just trying to stop you from burning the forest.

Solis: You turned my flames white it's like you purified them or something.

(Luna looks at her hands thinking to herself did she finally found her ability. Did she finally realize what her power was? She looks up to Solis surprise.)

Luna: I don't know how to use it.

Solis: You got to talk to professor Deimos.

Luna: I will but tomorrow.

(Solis glares at Luna)

Solis: Why tomorrow? Don't you want to learn how to master your ability?

Luna: Yes I want to, but I want to finish our date.

(Solis smiles and kisses Luna on the cheek and checks his watch realizing it was past midnight. Luna looks around and realizes the precious feather disappear, she was glad she got the chance to see the flower but mostly because she was happy to see it with Solis. )

Solis: Wow it's late we should head back to the academy.

Luna: Solis before we leave I have to tell you something.

(Solis raised an eyebrow curiously eagerly waiting what Luna was going to tell him.)

Solis: Yea sure.

Luna: my answer is yes. (She smiles)

(Solis felt confuse then he remembers the ball. He felt joyful of what he had  heard. He hugs Luna wrapping around her tiny waist, he gently gives her a kiss on her forehead.)

Luna: I'll told you, I was going to think about it.

Solis: You teaser. Let's go, it's late enough.

(Solis wrap his arm around Luna as the two began to walk back to the academy, but in the darkest shadows of the forest the tormentors were waiting for Navajo to give them news for Elmert.)

Eris: What is taking him so long?

(Eris paces back and forth.)

Hulda: You need to shut up and
be patient. You're giving me a migraine.

(She rubs her head.)

Eris: It's just so cold.

(She whines and shivers in her burgundy leather jacket.)

Tesla: Stop being a baby and deal with it.

(Hulda had an idea to make the time fly fast. Hulda carefully enchants Eris to have the illusion of Solis.)

Eris: Hey do you hear that?

(Eris looks around suspiciously)

Hulda: (giggles) hear what?

(She presses her hands against her mouth trying to keep her laughter from bursting, from ruining her prank.)

Tesla & Elmert: What are you doing?

(Eris looks back at the dark forest and sees Solis with a basket full of bright red shinning apples. Eris blushes and walks up to Solis cheerfully.)

Eris: Aww Solis how did you know apples were my favorite especially the red ones.

(Hulda was hysterically laughing she was in the point of tears. Soon Elmert and Tesla were confused as they both look at Hulda laughing as she lies against a tree; they both turned to Eris talking to a tree. The whole gang burst out laughing at Eris who ended up making out with a tree thinking it was Solis.)

Elmert: (laughing) Ok Hulda stop it before things get worse.

Tesla: Before she gets splinters on her lips.

(Tesla wrapping her arms around her stomach.)

Hulda: Agh alright I wanted to see how far she would go.

(Hulda stops the illusion as Eris opens her eye with her tongue against the dark wood bark she backs up with a freighting expression. Her expression immediately changes when she angrily looks at Hulda and charges at Hulda.)


Hulda: Ooooo a curse I'm shaking.

(Making Eris even more angrier)

Eris: That's it bitch!!!

(Eris raises her hand to the heavens and chants as a mysterious wind and lighting appear. Hulda was ready to perform another illusion trick. Tesla had gotten  irritated with Eris and Hulda and unleashes her dark torment ability on both girls while a black smoke wrap around their neck causing them to choke.)

Tesla: It was funny at first but now it's annoying. The both of you shut the fuck up before I crack everything in your body!!

Eris and Hulda: (Choking) Ok ok we'll stop.

(As Tesla quickly closes her palms, freeing both girls from her dark torment as the two fell on the cold hard ground. Navajo dashes out of the woods to reunite with the gang.)

Hulda: Oh my god why are you burnt up?

(Hulda run towards Navajo examining his wounds.)

Elmert: What did you find out?

Navajo: They were at this romantic place looking for this weird flower. He ask her to the masquerade ball with him.

Tesla: (interrupts) Get on with the important stuff.

Elmert: Any weaknesses, did he confess his love for her?

(Navajo tells the gang how Luna turned Solis's flames white and struck him.)

Tesla: That bitch is going to pay.

(She clinches her fist)

Elmert: Wait hold up Tesla. So she powerful that's interesting we need to get her in our group now!

Tesla: (grunts) Why what's so special about her.

Elmert: Because with that ability we can make it dark and she can make us unstoppable that's why my dear.

(As he calmly strokes his hand gently on Tesla faces to calm her down.)

Eris: How do we make her ability dark if it's white?

Elmert: We start from the heart by turning it black and cold.

Hulda: When do we start?

Elmert: After he admits to her that he loves her.

Tesla: That bitch is going down even if I have to break her heart myself.

(Elmert expression change but tries to not to let anyone notices.)

Elmert: (faking his chuckle) Soon my dear soon.

I hope you like this chapter I wanted to show you guys the plans of the tormentors.
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Love ya (Dannie_doll95)

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