Incomplete love

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"aaahh... For... th "

"honey n... o... no"

"fuc...k forthy "

"no pls...ahh"

Beam was moaning in pleasure while sitting on his boyfriend 's lap, still attending his online class with off camera as well as mic...

Forth was kissing..

No, nibbling..

Wait no, biting..

Okay fine he was eating beam.......

He was sniffing his boyfriend's skin while eating his neck...

His lips was asking more and more of his boyfriend ...

While beam was busy making sure that his camera and mic is off..

"aaaaa"      a pain plus pleasurefull moan escaped from his lips when forth bite his shoulder from behind giving him a big and bold hickey

"beamy, baby I am hungry love "       said forth in his hoarse voice while touching and pinching Beam's nipples beneath his shirt...

Before beam could say anything forth's stomach made a loud noise making himself fell embarrassed while beam laughed loudly holding back his laughing tears.....

"okay now stop"      complained forth after a while when beam showed no sine of stoping his laugh...

Even though forth showed beam his frowns but deep inside his heart ,like the first time he saw beam, started beating rapidly...

Forth have always heard people saying that you only fell in love once but he fell in love with beam every time he see him...

As a kid Beam always wondered how hell and heaven look like..  But when he meet forth he knew it well

Forth's tears are hell and his heart full  laugh is his heaven...

Two souls were in deep love .. There love could be seen in there eyes..

Their love was contagious .. Everyone could feel that heavenly feeling...

But the most important people of those two souls were blind...

Parents,  they could see their child were in love with each other but choose to ignore..

Those two heavenly souls were only separate by their parents..

"okay baby I'll go and bring something for you to ear.. Okay?? "

Said beam while fixing his shirt ... Forth was shirtless,  he just woke up and found beam attending his online class and choose to show his love for his boyfriend...

Forth pouted because the intention of having a quicky with beam was shattered now....

"tsk"    beam chuckled and gave a very sweet chaste kiss to those pouty lips...

And that make forth happy again... And he nodded to the plan of beam for going to bring their breakfast..

"cluck"    two does were closed together..  One when beam left the from and other when forth entered in bathroom...

Beam was taking stairs to come in the parking lot, totally unaware of some unknown preasence who were keeping their eyes on his...

While in the dorm forth was brushing his teeth same as beam, unaware of the eyes of two people who were looking at him with telescope in from the other room..

They made a small hole on the out wall joining their bathroom...

Beam was about to leave with his car when he saw his neck...

Incomplete story Where stories live. Discover now