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"So why did you call us over here?" Ahilac asked

"You guys remember Sunlight Rose right?" Amka asked

"Are we seriously here to talk about Bunlight Bose?" Ahilac asked annoyed

"It's Sunlight Rose... anyways... Vabbilhea and I were looking through her pictures to see if we could find any clues... but unfortunately we couldn't... but there was this one picture that I found disturbing" Amka explained

"Really?" Vofura asked

"Yeah... here" Amka said handing her friends the picture

Vofura takes it and looks at it, the others crowding around here. Everyone's faces go white as they see the picture.

"Who is that!?" Vofura asked horrified

"That my friends... is... Sunlight Rose" Amka replied

"No way, that... THING can't be SUNLIGHT ROSE!!!!" Ahilac yelled

"Well it is... look at her hair" Amka said

Everyone gives their attention to Sunlight's hair. It was her exact hair color... but it was straight and messy. Dry blood was splattered on her hair... it was really dark. Vofura gives the picture back to Amka who takes it and places it on a near by table.

"Welp, I'm gonna have nightmares tonight" Ahilac said

" too" Sapeha added

"Don't worry you guys... Sunlight is dead... right... she can't get you" Amka said

"Nope that seems real to me" Crypta said

"Hey you guys can I tell you something?" Vabbilhea asked

"Sure Vabbilhea!" Amka replied

"Uhh... well... I was watching the 6:00 news and... I found something really disturbing on the news" Vabbilhea explained

"Really!? What was it?" Amka asked shocked

"Well the news reporter said that they found a couple dead in their home and.... there was something scribbled on the wall... I think it said "Sunlight Rose... Via". Vabbilhea continued

"So you're saying Sunlight Rose murdered that couple?" Amka asked

"Could be" Vabbilhea replied

"Or maybe it's just a prank" Ahilac said

"I don't think... by what Vabbilhea said... I think it's true" Crypta said

"I think it's true too" Amka said

"Fine you're all idiots to think that this Sunlight Rose murder is real!" Ahilac said angrily

She storms away, Sapeha trails shyly trails behind her. Amka's friends say their goodbyes and leave expect Vabbilhea.

"Let me guess, you're staying with me?" Amka asked

"Yup, I think I have an idea" Vabbilhea said

"Oh really?

"Yup" Vabbilhea replied

"What's the idea?" Amka asked curious

"Sorryyy can't tell" Vabbilhea said

"Aw" Amka whined

45 minutes later*

"So I was thinking maybe we could go the Jovia Burial Yard and resurrect her" Vabbilhea said

"So you're saying you want me and you to resurrect Sunlight from the dead" Amka asked

"Yup" Vabbilhea replied

"Idk Vabbilhea, that kinda sounds like a bad idea" Amka said

"Oh come on Amka. Pleeeease" Vabbilhea asked kindly

"No Vabbilhea" Amka replied annoyed

"Pretty please with a sugar berry on top" Vabbilhea begged

"Ugh fine" Amka replied in defeat

"Yayyy" Vabbilhea cheered excitedly


To be continued.... 💀

THE RETURN OF SUNLIGHT ROSEWhere stories live. Discover now