Chapter 5

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It had been a few weeks and the potion had finally worn off.  However, Jonah had learned to deal with it.  In fact, Jonah had began to develop feelings for Cam.

"But which one?" said Jonah thinking out loud, "they are both so fantastic uwu."

That's when he heard a knock on his bedroom door, "Jonah?"

"It's Sam," said Sam, "I have some news."

"Come in," said Jonah sitting on his bed.

"We're going on a school trip, it'll be a week at a camp ground in Jasper," began Sam, "here is your bunk mates."

He handed Jonah a paper containing all the information and left.  Jonah looked down and his eyes widened as he saw the plan.

"Me and Cam are in the same bunk!????" Gasped Jonah, "and Lexie is right next to us????????!"

Jonah immediately began packing, after all, the trip was tomorrow.

*Time Skip, The Next Day, Maya's POV*

The bus ride was long and tiring.  Having my headphones on really helped though.  It blocked out all the yelling, singing and screaming that was coming from every direction in the bus.  When we finally arrived at the campsite, everyone was ecstatic to get to their bunks.  My cabin mates were Lexie, Clara, Maggie, Tayana and myself.  Normally, I would love being in the cabin with all of these people, but Lexie had been acting strange lately.  Like, stranger than usual.  I noticed she had been giving both Cam and Jonah the GooGoo eyes on the bus ride here and has just been constantly zoning out all the time, as if she were in a daze.

When we finally got unpacked I walked over to Lexie, and slapped her in the face.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked shocked but still somehow in her strange daydream, "that wasn't very nice, Maya."

"Yeah, Maya.  Don't be mean >:(," said Tayana.

"Although they are right and you shouldn't be mean, we're going to be late for the walk through the forest.  There is supposedly a really pretty lake.  Where if you look in to it, you will find your true love staring back at you," Maggie explained.

"The let's go!" exclaimed Clara.

*Time Skip, At The Lake, No One's POV*

802 walked up to the lake, along with their teachers Mme. Jager (the magical lady), Mme. Hrynchuk (Or Mme. I Wake Up At 4:30am) and Ms. Griffith (m o t h e r).  It was a beautiful lake.  The water shimmered in the sun light and was a clear as the night sky.  Truly a breath-taking sight.

Lexie looked in to the water, thinking of Sadie and all of the good times they had together.  I miss you... wait-.  Lexie thought she saw a figure behind her.  Was that Sadie?  No, I couldn't be...  She turned back to the water and was startled to see Sadie, staring back at her.

"AHH!" screamed Lexie in surprise as something seemed to pull her from the bridge in to the lake.

"Lexie!" cried Cam as he jumped off the bridge in attempt to save Lexie.

Jonah rushed to the bridge and jumped after the both of them, "Cam! Lexie! No!"

Everyone watched as the three fell from the tremendous height.  Ms. Griffith was the first to speak, "Mme. Jager, shouldn't you be using your magical powers to save them?"

"Nah," she replied, "after all, I have some socials homework to grade."

"Fine then, Hrynchu- nevermind," she said looking at the, once again, levitating and sleeping teacher, "well, I guess it's up to me.."

Ms. Griffith jumped after the three students that had fell and landed in the water.  She grabbed both Lexie and Jonah and brought them to the rocky shore, where they found Cam.  He was clutching his wrist, while screaming in pain.

"Quick," yelled Ms. Griffith, "I know you just fell off a bridge and all, but get back up there and get someone to call an ambulance! Now! Cam is in serious danger..."


A/N: I would've updated this yesterday but I was super tired, lol.  Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, the field trip with continue in the next chapter!

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