Chapter 6

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"Quick!" yelled Ms. Griffith, "Cam is in danger..."

The two students dashed up the hill that had suddenly appeared.

"Madame! One of you!" yelled Lexie, "Cam is injured!"

That's when Madame Hrynchuk fluttered open, "SHUT UP CAM! THOU SCREAMS ARE LIKE ONE OF A LITTLE GIRL!"

"Woah," said Judith, "seeing Madame wake up was less exciting than I thought it would be."

Madame Hrynchuk's head snapped to the side at an inhuman speed, "by the power of Trixie Mattel and Jegus Christ, I hear by banish you, Judith Maloney, to the underworld."

A portal opened behind Judith and sucked her in.

"Later sister," said Mme. Jager.

Mme. Hrynchuk finally grabbed her telephone and looked at the students.

"Madame! What are you doing? Call 911!" said Sam. J.

"I don't know the number!" yelled Madame, back at them.

Everyone did the weird blinking guy meme, as Maya took the phone and dialed the number.

"Hi, we are at ******, one of the students has a broken arm, please come quickly!" she said

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"Hi, we are at ******, one of the students has a broken arm, please come quickly!" she said.

(Time Skip, In The Hospital, No One's POV)

Cam laid in the hospital bed, a cast over his arms and many bags of orange juice stuck in to his skin.

Why me? He thought, I did nothing wrong, plus because it's a minor injury I have to share a room with someone, I haven't seen them yet, they're always out and about but, I don't think I'd like them...

That's when the door creaked open, it was Lexie, she had come to visit Cam.

"H-hey Cam," she stuttered, blushing a little bit, "how are feeling, b-baka.."

"I'm doing better," he said, "still in quite a bit of pain though."

That's when the door creaked open.  Odd, no one else was scheduled to visit today, thought Cam.

A girl, who looked around the same age as the two students, drew back the curtain separating the beds.  Her hair was short and her teeth stuck out slightly more than average.

"Cam..." said the girl, "is that, really you?"

Cam and Lexie's head turned slightly to see the girl.

"Alyssa?" he asked back.

"I haven't seen you for two years and you've already moved on?" she asked, "and who is this skank?"

"My name's Lexie," exclaimed the brown haired girl, "it's lovely to meet you! I hope we can be-"

"Get outta my way," said Alyssa in an angry tone, "and leave, we don't need you here."

Lexie left, tears filled her eyes, Crap! I'm so stupid! I should've told him my feelings sooner! Or not at all! GaH! GET IT TOGETHER LEXIE!

Lexie walked back to her home, being greeted by her sister yelling.  She immediately rushed upstairs to figure out a plan...

To Get Rid Of Alyssa


A/N: Sorry for the slow updates, lol.  I've been lacking inspiration lately

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