3. Little Crushes And Secrets

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At Sakura and her friends table, that day, they were "girls only" group.
It wasn't unusual but it happened quite often that they split, between boys and girls, for lunch or a snack between trainings. So at one table
Electra, Christal, Sakura, Emma and Nashi, chatted discreetly about their "girl 's stuff and small Crushes and Ships.
" Sometimes I really ask myself what do I see in that egotistic
, stupid bully! " Sakura cringed low between her teeth." I' m going to get together and get over him, focus on my training with mom... Anyway, he doesn't give a dime about me... I guess Chloe is more his type of girl "... She finished bitterly, drinking her ice green and cherry blossom tea.

"oh hon' please I can't allow you to sink this way... Are you, Sakura Fernández, the Knight mage, leaving the battlefield even before the fight began? No way, over my dead body" Electra answered quite animated to one of her besties. "Even more 'cause we' re talking about my big bro'... So believe me when I say that I know him, better than anyone! He's just a dummy, cocky stupid boy... He plays a role, that makes him feel sure of himself, he compares himself to our dad... And that's a lot of pressure. Sure, but the real Markus, is a kind, smart, thoughtful, sensitive boy. And I don't believe Chloe or any girl like that, even if he lets them flock around him to please his ego, are his kind of chick. Really... At least not for more than just a one shot fling. And you must be blind girl... " Electra was going on... When Christal also talked for her friend:
" I agree with Ellie... Really Saku-chan... You don't see his glances, and the way he blushes when you speak to him, when you laugh at his jokes, and he loves the friendly competition between you two, which is a nice thing to share as nakamas. You should team up more often for missions" Christal was quite shy and not very talkative, like both her parents, specially her father. But she had from her mother a romantic vibe, so she was very sensitive to all love stories, all that kind of secrets. By the way, from both her parents just like Electra, she had a Very strong intuition, for hers and others feeling. Her friends very often, even her bestie Ellie, consulted her advice over "that little something."... That from friends gets in another universe.

"ohh see why all these stuff is not for me yet, babygirl" said Nashi, bored pretending that she was yawing so loud... She put her both palms over her poppy red face.
Her friends just rolled eyes and pull faces, but say nothing. Emma best than anyone knew the rodeo with That kind of Celestial Taurus, won't let you make a point. Specially today, she seemed in the mood of teasing, and looking for needless fight...
Sakura went out for her daily katáná lessons with her mother, Titania. Even if it was a day like any.

Sakura that day was wearing a kaki battle style shorts, high dark brown boots, on the left side of wich, in the inner part of her calf, she had always a battle knife, just in case as she grinned. She also wore her usual large and quite massive belt, one of those her mother used to wear, and that day she wore a pale green, short-sleeved shirt that closed under her chin,closed with crossed strings. This was mainly her kind of look. Just, not forget, a large leather shoulder- protection, strapped over the other shoulder too, where it closed with the large belt that fastened it from behind. Today, it was hot, usually she wore long tight pants, often leather ones, and also had suede long and large '' mousquetaire'' gloves, with at her wrists large golden and silver manchette bracelets . She wore as most of the time, her dark cherry, garnet, beautiful mane, up in a high ponytail, or a long, thick braid. With some strands framing her face, and setting up beautifully her deep, grey beige eyes. She said bye and went out quickly.

 She said bye and went out quickly

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