7. On Quest!

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One morning, Storm, Igneer, Christal and Nashi, arrived at the guild, taking place at their usual table. They were joined by Electra, sitting with Storm, and the 3 Redfox siblings.
They just ordered their usual morning drinks, when Sakura rushed to their table, followed by Markus and Simon.
"We got a quest guys! She shouted" but, it's a, big one, so, I guess we'll have to merge our usual teams into one. " she added.
Usually, they went by team Markus, with Sakura, Storm, Electra, Simon, and Christal. Or team Igneer, with him, Nashi, Emma and the twins, and sometimes also Reiki and Sylvia.
But it also happened that they mix, rarely, like Igneer Storm Sakura, Christal and Nashi.
"What's the quest about? Asked Electra.
" What about the reward? "added Markus.
Sakura sanded up on a chair, and read the important details about this mission.
" the town of Callas, far East from here, is having serious trouble with some monstrous huge lizards, that seem to spit fire... Or other toxic smoke... There are several of them. They are the size of a huge crocodile, but higher. It says they can moove fast, look like small dragons, and they also have horns or different type of spikes on their heads. They have also spikes all down their back, covered with thick scales, and a long tail. They have powerful claws and fangs in their strong jaws. They eat mostly meat, even human... But they have destroyed part of the stocks and breedings. This region of Fiore is more rural and traditional, rustic. But before this catastrophe happened,it used to be a small town that thrived and was even known for its products... "
"Do we know how it started?" asked Emma.
"No, There is no clue of where did these creatures come from, but we know at least when... It was the 1st full moon, during the 3 Weeks of Fasting and prayer in an Ismeyrha's monastery that is vowed to the cult of this ancient goddess - spirit of Earth and Harvest. Maybe we should have a look over there too, as far as they allow us... " Sakura explained.
" We should ask at least... Their cult might be connected to this danger... " Emma was already analysing the information that they got.
" Ah, and the reward... It's really huge, to get rid of around 50 of these lizards... 500 000 Jewels which would made a pretty nice share for everyone. "
At this point they all jaw-dropped, staring at each other, in shock. They never had Quests with such huge reward.
" Well then... I suggest that we merge into one team, with Markus, Igneer and Sakura as leaders, because we'll probably need to split into separate smaller groups," Simon said.
They all agreed. Due to the distance, they would ride by pair on their jaguars and Happy and Panter Lily will fly by their side.
They would leave the next day, at dawn.
Everyone was ready as decided previously. By pairs, they rode on their jaguars.
Storm and Ellie, Simon and Christal, Emma and Igneer, Sakura and Markus, Jade and Nashi, and Chloe and Gaile, the girls sitting behind their comrades, riding fast, to get to destination before the day was over, having just a few stops to give some rest to their jaguars and themselves, eat and drink too... But they didn't had time to waste, having their quest as main priority.
They also discussed how to plan the attack once there.
Emma had provided a map of the town of Callas, and the surrounding woods and fields, rivers. So they could prepare a strategy to surround and destroy these monsters.
Once arrived, each of them knew how to react... The poor people of the town had escaped, but some resisted still, fighting with fire, torches, and spears, swords... Anything they could... Keeping their women and children, and the elderly people down in their cellars.
As decided, the front attack was led by Sakura and Markus, and on their right Igneer and Nashi, on their left Storm, Christal, and Electra. And on watching their backs, were the two Iron Dragons, and Chloe.
Sakura's swords seem to cut them in pieces anywhere at same lightning speed as Markus' thunders crashed them burning down. Igneer 's Dragon Slayer fire roars also did them great damage, and Nashi' s Star fire... At one point, Igneer merged with his Celestial spirit form
" star form, Sagittarius!" he screamed, and immediately, his outfit turned dark red and brown and a golden bow appeared in his right hand, and flame arrows spearing from it.
At the same time Electra and Christal fought together, slashing down these creatures, who spit fiercely flames at them, or toxic smoke. Storm using Ice spears, and Ice sword, Christal used Water Claws, and Water Blades, then eventually she and Simon decided to cast an unison raid, with water and astral power. It was a very difficult spell to master, because rarely these two powers could accord well, only if the mages trust deeply each other... This attack destroyed a good number of them, but it seem there were more than expected...
Jade and Gaile were used to fighting together, sending Iron spears, bullets and spikes at them. They didn't see that two other lizards were rushing behind on them! Nashi, without hesitation, summonned her Leo Celestial power...
"Regulus fire!" immediately a great white flash and flames were progected from her fists, reducing to ashes the two lizards that a moment before could have heavily harmed the twins.
"Wow, good job... I owe you that one Pinkie..." Jade said to her with a smile... Meanwhile...
..Emma and Chloe used runes enchantments to protect the homes, around the area...
At the end, there was only 4 of them... Storm, Simon, Sakura and Markus, synchronising their forces, rushed to the final attack... Storm released his Ice Demon Slayer, creating an ice shield and sword, he slayed then froze one of the remaining flamolizards... Sakura with her katana requip' ready, cut through the other one... And Simon and Markus, each destroyed the two last ones, one by Astral spell, and the last by Markus Thunder Dragon Slayer power. It all ended with a blinding flash.
"Well, I guess we can say it was good team work, right?" Markus said while giving high five with Igneer, Storm and Simon. Sakura winked to him smiling said" I guess we can agree on that! But we will always do better! "
" Yes guys! That was great, I could take a whole bunch on again! I'm all fired up!! Igneer roared like his father...
"Cool down you flame brain..." Storm teased his old friend. They all laughed.
"What ice Prince, already tired ?" he replied.
"Shut up, you both!" the girls screamed, and they all laughed together...
"it's just like our parents together!" said Nashi, smiling at Storm and her brother.
"Yes, and I think this is just the beginning, of our story... One day, people will call us by our battle names, like our parents were... Titania, Salamander, Rain Woman, the Dragon king..." said Sakura, full of pride and emotion.
"Ah, by the way... Did anyone found out the origin of this plague? Asked Simon...
" Yes! What about that? "asked Christal and Storm.
" Well guys... After a bit of research, and reading some hidden runes in the woods nearby, where the monastery of Ismeyrha, I could read what happened the 1st full moon, during the Fasting and prayers... One of the monks, opened a book of runes forbidden since hundreds of years. The monastery was meant to hyde and preserve it from falling into wrong hands... At the time of Zeleph. This cult was dedicated to an ancient goddess of Fertility, Prosperity and Harvest. "Emma explaned.
" And this was the punishment sent for that profanity and disobedience... "Sakura ended.
After they received their reward, by a rich farmer who owned a great property, of fields, full of livestocks. Now that there were no more danger, were again free outside.
The people of the town came out to cheer and thank them, offering a great banquet and the hospitality of the rich farmer 's home to spend a night.
Yes, this was just the beginning, of many quests, and dangerous adventures they would have to face in the future. Love would also grow between them, each having already found a nakama and a mate...
Their mage names, the Knight,Sakura,
Ice Mermaid Christal,
Storm the Silver Angel,
Emma the Iron fairy,
the Stars princess Nashi,
Electra the lightning queen,
Markus the Thunder Dragon,
Igneer the Fire Dragon,
Simon the Great Spell enchanter,
the Iron Dragon twins... Their names will remain glorious and proud in the memories of their Guild, as their parents before, in the memory of the people, of their hometown Magnolia, and all the realm of Fiore.

The End.

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