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A great poet once said
That you are what you love.
So what does that make me?

It makes me music,
It makes me a friend,
It makes me a hot cup of tea.

It means that I'm sunshine,
A long lasting hug,
A movie that makes people laugh.

It means I'm old pictures
Of far summer days,
Or puzzles, or paint, or a craft.

It means I'm the faith
People have in the world,
The things that they wish to succeed.

It means I'm a vine
Growing over a wall,
It means I'm a sycamore tree.

So I fully believe
That you are what you love,
Because that is what makes you unique.

You are what you love.
You are what you laugh at.
You are everything you believe.

Poems From Another Sad TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now