自己紹介 (Self Introduction)

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In this chapter we'll be making a script on how to introduce yourself (自己紹介/じこしょうかい) in Japanese. I'm going to use myself as an example and then break down the intro. はじめましょう!



try to translate this yourself before reading the translation ^~^ it's alright if you can't.

Hello. It's nice to meet you. My name is Lani. I am 15 years old. My hobby is music. I like karaoke. I'm a first year high school student (10th grade). My birthday is June third. My family consists of four people. My father, my mother, my brother, and me. My family is a happy family. I also have two pets. Their names are Sugar and Kitty. I love them very much. I look forward to working with you!

words/phrases you should know:

こんにちは: Hello

初(はじ)めまして: Nice to meet you

私(わたし)の名前(なまえ)は___です。: My name is ___.

___才(さい)です。: I am ___ years old.

私(わたし)の趣味(しゅみ)は___です。: My hobby is ___.

音楽(おんがく): Music

カラオケが好(す)きです。: I like karaoke

一(いち)年生(ねんせい)です。: I'm a first year in high school. (in America, that'd be a sophomore in high school)

私(わたし)の誕生日(たんじょうび)は六月(ろくがつ)三日(みっか)です。: My birtday is June third.

私の家族(かぞく)は四人(よんにん)です。: There are four people in my family.

父(ちち) : (My) father

と : And

母(はは) : (My) mother

兄(あにい) : (My) brother


私も二匹(にびき)ペットを飼(か)っています。: I also have two pets.

匹(びき) : Counter for animals

彼(かれ)らの名前はシュガーとキティです。:Their names are Sugar and Kitty.

私は彼(かれ)らをとても愛(あい)しています。:I love them very much

とても:Very/very much

どうぞ宜(よろ)しくお願(ねが)いします。:I look forward to working with you.

I hope this was educational to you, lol. As practice, I'd like you to introduce yourself in the comments. You don't have to use your real information, you can make something up :). Follow the format my introduction was in. Tell me your name, age, birthday, what your hobbies are, what things you like, and describe your family. Try not to use google translate though, as it's not the most accurate. ありがとうございました皆さん!


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