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marmae was sorprisingly haveing a good day. like the song good day by iu, you know? if you know, you should stan iu. iu is the best.                                                                                                                                                                                              okay well she was having a good day because she hadn't been attacked by bean yet. bean was a very strange girl who many people were deeply concerned for. bean loved her friends but liked to annoy them a lot, especially marmae bc she was so so fun to annoy.

marmae was contemplating this as she made her way to lunch, thanking the heavens that bean wasn't there today. she was sitting down in the dining hall at gaypeetwo, having a normal conversation with her normal friends when bean appeared, her good friend steven next to her. marmae supressed a sigh.

                                                                                                                                                                                         "hello," steven said. marmae returned the greeting. steven is a girl, by the way. she just likes the name steven.

                                                                                                                                                                                           "hello marmaenimnomnomnom," bean said with a dimbulb-ish smile on her face. marmae just stared at her suspiciously.

                                                                                                                                                                                                steven and bean began to eat their peach yogurt when suddenly thulk, who sat next to marmae, spoke.

                                                                                                                                                                                                "oh goody. today we have our first day of computer science."

                                                                                                                                                                                            marmae grunted. bean smiled a little too brightly.

"is today the day of reckoning"

"yes" said steven, who had already had the class and knew what was coming for the three. bean grinned at steven, and steven grinned back.

"what is the day of reckoinng" marmae asked dully.

"it's a fun day," bean answered.

"how do you know you've never been to the class" thulk asked her.

"i just know" bean said quickly.

"oh okay," said thulk going back to her phone. bean resumed eating while marmae glanced at her. she was far too quiet today.

the adventures of bean & chingusWhere stories live. Discover now