Chapter Six

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Danika stumbled onto the corridor outside the ballroom. She felt like an utter fool. After two Seasons hadn't she figure it out by now, no one wanted her. Danika couldn't hold back her pained cry. Her eyes briefly closing. The magic of the ball long lost its lustre and all she wanted to do was get as far away as she could.

Hurrying along the corridor, her hands were balled into fists. Her nails bit into her palms in a last attempt to stall her tears. Rounding the corner, she almost collided with a wall of solid muscle. A large hand reached out to steady her but Danika caught herself in time. Stepping back, she froze.

Long muscular legs encased in black boots which were pulled up to meet breeches of the same colour. He was wearing a brocade jacket of obsidian and gold. Towering over his quite tall ambassador, Alexander was just as broad shouldered if not more.
Her lips parted as she tilted her head to see his face.

There was a harshness to his beauty. A prominent jawline coated in stubble that was fast on its way to becoming a beard. The hairs encircling a sensual mouth. Danika's eye followed the path of his defined cheekbones up to meet his gaze. He arched a thick brow, seeing her. Short but unkempt black hair brushed his forehead.

"M-my apologies, your Highness," Danika stammered, her cheeks reddening. She dropped into a curtesy.

The prince said nothing.

She skirted around him and Silvio.

As Danika passed him, Alexander's nostrils flared at her scent of lavender. He half twisted, staring at her retreating figure.
Surprise flickered across Silvio's face. He had never seen his prince dumbstruck before.

"If you must know, her name is Danika and she is a guest of the Viscountess Salzburg, Amelia's sister," the ambassador said.

Alexander gave him a quick nod and broke into a run.


She stopped, her shoulders tense at the sound of his voice. Slowly she turned to face him and Alexander went very still. Seeing the unshed tears in her eyes, an unexpected rage surged in him. Who had dared to hurt her. He wanted to transform and bring the building down on whoever caused those tears.

"P-please, your Highness. I did not mean to get in your way," she said in a quiet, trembling voice.

Fuck, his fury must have been visible and she thought it was directed at her.

"You have done nothing wrong," he said.

Danika blinked. "I-I don't understand."

Alexander exhaled loudly, letting go of his anger. He needed her to trust him as odd it sounded even to his own ears. He held out a hand.

"My earlier silence was rude. Allow me to introduce myself properly now that you are no longer hiding behind a tree." He saw her expression and was unable to stop the corners of his mouth from tugging upwards. "Yes, I know it was you, my little dove." He knew she had been a raven but dove suits her better, more flattering. "Your scent is quite memorable."

Danika's cheeks turned bright red.

"I am Alexander Seares, Prince of Muriel."

Also known as the Carpathian Dragon but he never referred to himself as such due to its association with Mircea's bloodline. That and the fact that the Carpathian Dragon name usually invoked fear and he didn't want Danika to fear him.

She took his hand after a moment of hesitation  and he brought it up to his mouth.

"I know who you are," she said quietly causing his lips to hover over her knuckles. "What I actually don't understand is why you are out here with me, a blabbering wallflower..." her voice trailing off, William's words having taken root.

Before he gave his action a second thought, he reached out to her. The back of his fingers a light touch on her cheek.

"Your nerves do not bother me if that what your mind thinks," he said in a soft voice. "I am no one to judge."
He was going to wring the neck of the one who told her that she blabbers.

That wasn't the only thing she noticed was different about him to compared to other men.  At no point in this conversation, she did see his gaze dropped to her chest. No, Alexander kept his eyes on her face. It made her feel less like an object and it was a welcoming change.

"Surely you would however like to be in the ballroom as opposed to being here. After all a lot of hopeful ladies are waiting for you."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Truth be told I would prefer even a battlefield to a ballroom. At least in a battle, I can survey things from above and know what to expect. In a ballroom, I don't know."

"Expect lots of batting eyes, fan waving and eager mothers of the ton," Danika answered, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards.

Alexander smiled and her breath caught. His smile melted away the years of responsibilities on his face, making him appear carefree and youthful. A warm feeling slid into her belly as she looked at him. How was it that she found talking to a dragon easier than the men of high society? At the thought of those men, her smile faltered.

"I hope it is a little easier now that I told you what to expect," Danika said, dropping into a curtesy. "I will take my leave now."

"Wait." Alexander cocked his head to one side, listening for a moment to the distant tune of the violin strings. He held out a hand.
"The waltz is next and it is a favourite of mine. If you do me the honour of this dance, I will personally escort you to your carriage."

Danika paused, considering his words. A dance with a prince was an once in a lifetime chance, could she really decline? Could she bear their scorn?

"I will dance with you," she replied, her voice not betrayed her unease about walking back into the ballroom.
She accepted his extended arm, her fingers curling around his forearm. For one dance, she could do this.

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