Act II

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"Do you remember the tea that Father brought home from the Leicester Alliance?"

Beleth stopped pouring her morning tea. "When we were five?"

Byleth nodded. "Yes, that's the one. I want to drink that tea again."

"Certainly, my lady," Beleth said, setting the teapot down. "Do you remember the name?"

"No. Ask the other servants who were around during that time."

"None of the servants employed now were here during that time."

"I see." Byleth took a sip of tea. "Maybe you can travel to Derdriu to find it."

"Derdriu..." Beleth examined the map hung on the wall in the hall. "It's across the continent."

"But that's where you will most likely find it," Byleth responded. "There are much more people living in the capital of the Leicester Alliance than in the other territories."

"That's true," Beleth said. "Then I will set out tomorrow to search for that tea."

"Today," Byleth corrected him. "I want to drink that tea as soon as possible."

Beleth tapped his chin. "The journey there will take a day at least, and it may take me a while to find the exact tea. Will you be fine without me for a few days?"

She hesitated for a moment. "Perfectly fine," Byleth said at last. "I'll miss your company, but...I have other servants to help me, I suppose. Just return as quickly as you can, alright?"

Beleth's gaze softened. "Thank you, my lady. Then I will set out today."

"I'm excited for all the treats you'll bring back." The traces of a pleased smile lifted her lips, and all doubts Beleth had about the trouble disappeared.

When Beleth finally arrived, dawn was just starting to break. With the morning light hitting the glittering waters, Derdriu truly lived up to its name as the Aquatic Capital.

He first checked into an inn. After riding on horseback all night with few breaks, he was exhausted, but resisted the urge to sleep and dragged himself back outside.

The city was beginning to buzz as the people woke up and started their day. Shouts of sailors transporting cargo mixed with the smell of fresh, raw fish filled the air. Derdriu was smaller than Enbarr, but Beleth still found himself feeling a little lost.

He took a deep breath and regained his composure. Remember the reason you came here, he told himself. He remembered seeing a tea shop not far from the inn, maybe he could start there.

Beleth took a step forward and proceeded to collapse onto the ground, flat on his face. His body refused to move. I'll just sleep for a little bit, and get up right after, he thought, closing his eyes.

"Woah!" An unfamiliar voice said. "You okay, friend? What are you doing, taking a nap here?"

Beleth felt his head being gently lifted off the ground, into someone's arms. He muttered something, but he was so tired that the only intelligible word he could say was, "Tea."

"Hey, wake up! Hilda, I need some help here!" The voice called, presumably to their friend.

Beleth struggled to open his eyes, but his vision was blurry. The most he could make out was a pair of kind, beautiful green eyes before the world faded to black around him.

"Mother!" Byleth crawled into their mother's arms as Beleth hugged her legs. "When is Father coming back?"

Their mother hugged Byleth with one hand and pat Beleth's hand with the other. "Soon, love," she responded, smiling.

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