Airplanes and Weird Grains

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A/N: HI! This is my first fanfiction on this site! I know right? SO, please read with an open mind, because I have no clue how good I am. And I don't really know when I will be updating, whether or not it will be regular, or scrambled. So bear with me in the beginning.Thank you, my little cupiecakes! Yes, you will be my cupiecakes!

 The pic on the side is Kimoko, just picture her with brown hair ----------------------------------->

P.S. I haven't read all the manga yet, so I will not be including things from the manga. And I cant find answers to everything, so if i make something up and get it right, then YAY ME! So don't freak out if I add something like, say, Haruhi's father has a brother.

P.P.S Its not edited, so don't call me out on it. And I don't live in Japan so I have no idea if my calculations are correct. And I am doing a lot of research already for this story, so I really don't want to research anymore than I have to.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I looked out the window of my dingy airplane seat, payed for by my uncle. My uncle and his daughter, my cousin, live in Bunkyo, Tokyo in an apartment complex. My uncle is a strange man. He is a transvestite, after all. I have nothing against them, they are just usually so energetic and emotional. Well, the ones I have met anyway.

Back to the point. I can't believe that I am finally going to see them again! It was Christmas when I last saw them, and now it's almost August! And yes, that is a long time, in my books. My uncle is my mother's brother, and my mother told me that I would be living with them so I can go to the high school I was accepted into. It is a "private elite school for the rich and beautiful" as the website says. I will be in year 1, with my cousin.

By the way, my name is Kimiko Fujioka.

Well, the plane is landing, so I will get back to you shortly.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

(this is before she gets on the plane)

"Kimiko honey, get up! Your father and I would like to talk with you." My mother, Sakura Suzuki, now Sakura Fujioka, yelled at me from in the kitchen.

Ugh. Can't she see that I'm sleeping? I need my beauty sleep.

I get out of bed, slowly, pull on sweatpants, and trudge downstairs to the kitchen.

"What do you want? I was sleeping!" Yeah, I'm type AB-, got a problem?

"Kimi-chaaaaan, we know that you value your sleep, but you don't need to be so rude about it." My father whines. He is so much like my uncle it's scary. Except for the fact that my father isn't a tranny.

I grab an apple and sit down heavily. "What was sooooo important that you had to interrupt my slumber?" I asked incredulously.

My mother and father exchanged a look. A look I knew all too well. A look of mischief! I took a bite of my apple.

"Well," started my mother, "we, your father and I, thought that since you got accepted into that Ouran school, and since your cousin is also attending that school, that you could live with them."

"What............ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU WOKE ME UP JUST FOR THIS?" I yelled at their unsuspecting faces.

Like I said, I value my sleep.

I took another bite of my apple

"Well, we thought you would like some to think abou-"

"I don't need to think about it, I am already fine with it. Living with them will be fun! It will be like Christmas vacation except at her house!" I said, suddenly changing moods. It happens a lot to type AB-'s.

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