Meeting the Host Club

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A/N: I’m sorry if I get some of this chapter wrong, I’m typing in school and I can’t watch the episode for pointers, so I might get some of this wrong. I will try to fix it when I have the time.

 Hope you enjoy!!

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Turns out I was sick with food poisoning for about a week, and apparently Haruhi made some interesting friends.  I’m finally going to school today, and I’m not excited. Well, I am, because I heard that this academy was a really beautiful place. I’m excited to sketch this school.

 As Haruhi and I walked to school, she told me about how I need to pretend that she is a boy, because she is a part of this host club and they thought she was a boy when she came in, and about  how she broke an expensive vase so she is in debt to the club.

 She told me all about the members in the club, and they’re “types”.  By the time she finished telling me about the Host Club, we were at school.

 I looked up to observe to school, and IT WAS PINK! Why pink? I mean, I have no problem with pink, but the whole school is pink. It’s a bit much.

 Haruhi lead me to the office, and a lot of girls were either looking at her with love, or at me with jealousy.  I kept my head down as we walked.

 “Why hello Haruhi, who is this?” A strange man with a cold voice said.

 “Kyoya, this is my cousin, Fujioka Kimiko, Year 1. Kimiko, this is the Host Club’s vice president, Ootori Kyoya. He’s in Year 2.” Haruhi introduced.

 I looked up to see his face. He was very handsome, and tall, but I couldn’t see his eyes because of his glasses. It seemed like they constantly had a glare on them, preventing anyone from seeing his eyes.

 “Nice you meet you, Ms. Fujioka.” Kyoya said.

 “You too, Mr. Ootori, and you can call me Kimiko if you want to.” I said.

 “Very well, Kimiko, Haruhi, I shall be going now.” Kyoya said before he walked to his first class.

 “Kimiko, we need to get to class, Dad had your schedule and stuff mailed, so I have it. We have all the same classes, except for gym. I don’t take gym.” Haruhi said. 

 “I kinda figured, you were never really a sporty person.” I told her.

 When we reached homeroom, Haruhi was attacked by two red-headed people. The twins, I’m guessing.

 “Hello Haruhi!” They said together, it was kind of cool.

 “Hikaru, Karou.” Haruhi said, acknowledging the twins. They hadn’t noticed me yet, me being the tiny person I am.

 After the attack, Haruhi went over to the Sensei and gave him the papers all my teachers had to sign. Because I was sick, I missed out on some of the lessons, so Haruhi had been tutoring me to get me caught up.

 When Haruhi came back over to talk to me, the twins noticed me.

 “Haruhi, who is your little friend?”I think Karou asked.

 “This is my cousin, Fujioka Kimiko. She is in our classes.” Haruhi said.

 “Well well well, Karou, looks like we found a new toy.” Hikaru said creepily.  I cowered behind Haruhi, even she was taller than me!  

 The twins stalked around Haruhi and glomped me, rubbing their cheeks against mine, telling me how cute I was. Apparently short people are adorable -_-.  Just then the bell rung for classes to begin.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After school, the twins left me and Haruhi in a hurry, something about a club. Haruhi had to drop a book off by the library, so I went with her, having not signed up for any clubs yet.

 Haruhi looked like she just remembered something, looked at her watch, and started to hurry to a part of the school I haven’t seen yet.  She walked up to an abandoned music room, Music Room #3, and opened the doors.

 I was blinded by the light, while little rose petals of death attacked me. Once the light faded and I stopped choking on flowers, I looked up to see the room. I noticed there were 6 boys posed like they were in a calendar for Bali, or something.

 “What is a tropical island doing in the school, Haruhi?” I asked curiously.

 “I don’t know.” She replied wearily.

 “Oh, it’s just Haruhi.” The twins said.

 “You are late Haruhi. That’s more to your debt.” Kyoya said, not even looking up from his black book.

 They still haven’t seen me, I was hiding behind Haruhi. Again. It seems like I’m doing that a lot now.  My plan to stay hidden lasted until the tall blonde one came running up to Haruhi telling her to be his princess. Then he noticed me, just standing there like a deer caught in headlights.

 “Well hello, my little kitten, what brings you to my Host Club?” He said, with overly dramatic hand motions. When I didn’t respond, he walked closer to me until he was completely bent down and his face was right in front of my face, looking me in the eyes. I could tell he was trying to get a reaction of love out of me, so I kept my face emotionless. But on the inside I was freaking out by how close he is.

 “Little Kitten, what is your name?” He asked. I didn’t say anything, only giving Haruhi a look of distress.

 “Tamaki, this is my cousin, Fujioka Kimiko. She is a first year, along with me and the twins.” Haruhi said, slowly sliding me towards her and away from Tamaki. She knows that I can’t stand it when strangers are that close to me.

 “Haruhi?” I asked, looking up to my cousin.

 "Yes, Kimiko?” She responded.

 “Why are you in this club, isn’t a Host Club where boys entertain girls? Aren’t you a girl?” I asked innocently. Tamaki and the twins froze before rushing over to her and commenting on how manly she is and how muscular she is.

 “Guys, cut it out, she is my cousin, she knows I’m a girl.” Haruhi said, annoyed.

“Well, we can’t afford to have that secret let out, now can we?” Tamaki smiled. He looked over at me and said, “From now on you will be our new maid!”

“What?!” I said. I can’t believe he is making me do this. I didn’t even have any say in the matter!

“You know, Kimiko, my family owns a police force of over 100 men, and do you have a passport?” Kyoya said, smirking.

“Actually, she does,” Haruhi said,” She flew here from America, so she has a passport.”

Kyoya’s smirk faltered, but only for a second. Ha. Looks like Mr. Cool-and-Collected isn’t all that collected. 

“Kyoya, isn’t it about time for the club to start?” A small blonde boy said. Wait, scratch that, he is taller than me! That’s so not fair. 

“Oh, you are quite right Honey-Sempai.” Kyoya stated.

“Well, men, get into positions!” Tamaki said. They all posed like they did when we came in, but this time with Haruhi. I didn’t know what to do so I just climbed a tree and sat on top, eating bananas with a monkey. 

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

A/N: I know, I know, this chapter sucks. I typed this thing in History class, so I couldn’t use my references to actually use the episode and get things right, but I did start the plot line, so, there you go!

See ya next chapter~


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