(No Ship) You're Okay

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Anonymous request. I hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long.
2013 for all
Liam POV

   Small giggles leave mine and Niall's lips as we spread oil on the floor of the hallway. We quickly wipe our hands before running into Niall's room.

   I clear my throat. "Harry! Come look at this quick!" I call. Gentle thumps sound up the stairs.

   A small squeak escapes Harry's lips as he slips. But they quickly turn into screams of pain. We run over to see Harry curled into himself, holding his knee gingerly.

   Tears stream down his face as I freeze in my place. The sound of 2 people running can be heard as Louis and Zayn come up the stairs.

   "What happened here?" Zayn demands, looking at me. "We just wanted to prank Haz, we didn't mean for him to get hurt." I mumble out, not meeting his eyes.

   Louis bend down to Harry's level. His screams haven't lowered in volume, making me feel even worse.

   "I don't think this is just a scrape or bruise Zee, we're gonna have to take him to the E.R while these two clean this shit up." Lou looks up from the pained form of our friend.

   Incoherent noises of protest errupt from Harry's throat at the mention of the E.R. "Haz,  calm down. You're gonna be fine. We just need to get it fixed so you aren't in pain." Zayn soothes the panicked boy.

   "No, I'll be fine I promise! No hospital please!" He sobs.

   "They're not gonna hurt you Harry. But we need to take you now." Louis says. Yelps of pain escape Harry as Zayn picks him up.

   Louis stands back for a second. "We will be talking about this when we get back, you hear me?" He snaps in frustration. Niall and I quickly nod.

Zayn POV

   My heart clenches at the terrified sob leaving the boy in my arms. "You'll be okay Hazzy, I promise. Louis and will be there to protect you, okay?" I tell him as I sit us both in the backseat of Louis' car.

   Harry slowly leans into my side, trying to calm himself down. I carefully run my fingers through his curly locks, whispering soft reassurances.

   We both jump as Louis opens the door. "Sorry." He mumbles, getting in.


   "Harry Styles?" Harry immediately starts shaking again when they call his name.

   "Hey. You're gonna be okay, I promise. They're gonna look at your knee and fix it so it doesn't hurt anymore." Louis tells the poor boy.

   The nurse sees the state that he is in and walks over. "If you want, one of you can come back with him." Harry's eyes light up at the offer.

   "Zayn, you go with him, I'll go talk to Liam and Niall. Just call me when you're almost done." I nod and help Harry stand with assistance from the nurse.

   Louis takes Harry's face gently in his hands, making him look up. "I am so proud of you, I need you to stay strong for me. Zayn is going to stay with you the whole time. After this, we can go out and get something to eat if you want, okay?" Harry nods.

   We go our separate ways as the nurse leads us to a room. "Just sit tight. Dr Winchester will be in in a minute." She smiles before leaving.

   I help Harry up onto the bed, sitting next to him. He grabs my hand tight. "You're okay." I whisper, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

   We sit in mostly silence for a while before a man walks in. "Sorry about the wait. My name is Dr Winchester, which one of you is Harry?" He introduces, looking between the two of us.

   "I am." Harry whimpers.

   "And who are you?" "I'm Zayn." He nods, turning back to Harry. "What seems to be the issue?"

   "Our friends tried to pull a prank on me but I slipped and fell on my leg wrong." Harry answers. "I see. Can I take a look?" He asks, waiting for approval.

   Once he gets a nod he gentle rolls up the leg of Harry's sweatpants. I gasp at the bruised and swollen appearance of Harry's knee.

   My eyes shift over to Harry, grabbing his face to make him look away. Small yelps leave his lips as Dr Winchester touched his knee.

   "I'm gonna take you to x-ray and see where to go from there, okay?" He says, looking between us. I give him a nod and help Harry up.


   Harry's breathing picks back up as we sit, waiting for Dr Winchester to come back with the X-Ray. "Hey, Haz, look at me." I instruct. His green eyes shoot to mine. My heart breaks at the teary and fearful look in the moss color.

   "You're gonna be okay. I need you to calm down before you hurt yourself okay honey?" I grab his shaky hands in mine, holding one to my chest. "Copy me, okay? Breathe with me."

   I start taking a deep breath, which Harry tries to follow. We sit like that for a minute or so until he finally calms down and falls onto my chest.

   My phone starts ringing which makes us jump. Louis' name shows for the caller ID so I answer, putting it on speaker.

   "How's it going with you two?" Louis' voice chirps. "We're waiting for the x-rays to come back. What happened with Niall and Liam?" I answer, pulling Harry closer.

   "They cried a lot, cleaned up, and want to apologize to Harry when we get back. But I'm on my way back to you." His voice sounding forced. "Indicators are there for a fuckin reason ya wanker!" He shouts.

   "I'll let you go to focus. See you when you get here." I tell Louis before hanging up.

   My attention is once again grabbed as the doctor walks in. "So, it looks like you've dislocated your knee so we'll need to pop it back in place. You'll have to wear a brace and be careful for a bit but it'll heal in a few weeks." Dr. Winchester informs.

   I nod along. "Can we wait for Louis?" Harry speaks up, looking between me and the doctor.

   "Absolutely, I'll tell check in to let him back when he gets here." He agrees, walking back out.

   Not even 5 minutes later, Louis barges in the room with the doctor close behind. "Ready to go?" He asks. Harry nods with a look at Louis. Lou and I grab one of Harry's hands while Dr. Winchester gets his things together.

   "Okay. Do you want a count down or for me to just do it?" He asks. "Just do it." Harry whines, pushing his face into Louis' shoulder.

   I watch the doctor grab Harry's leg; maneuvering it quickly. A slight pop noise causes a yelp to escape the injured boys throat and his hands to tighten around ours.

   The brace it quickly put on his leg.

   "And we're done. I want you to take it slow for a few weeks, don't walk around too much but if you have to use crutches. Use ice occasionally for the swelling. If there are any issues give us a call or come in to see me." We are instructed. Louis nods while I help Harry up.

   "Thank you so much." Harry smiles as we pass by. "No problem Harry. Let's hope we don't meet like this again."

   Once in the car I grab Harry's face in my hands. "I'm so proud of you Haz. You were so strong in there even though you were scared." I say, looking into his deep green eyes. His face breaks out into the bright smile we all know and love.

   "Thanks Zee." He mumbles. I place a kiss on his forehead before leaning back in my seat. (this is all platonic just as an fyi)

A/N Hello hello my queerios. Sorry for the wait, I'll try to be better at updating. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



Anywho, I hope you are all doing well. I love you all so so much. Please stay safe and stay alive, for me if not for yourself. ❤💛💙

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