chapter one~ How it all began.

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We shall introduce the characters first....
Name- Roseanne Park
Hogwarts house- Slytherin
Name- Asher  Diamonds Soot (his name was originally james but now it's legally changed to Asher)
Hogwarts house- slytherin
Name- Pansy Parkinson
Hogwarts house- Slytherin
Name- Wilbur Soot
Hogwarts house- Ravenclaw

there are more characters but you'll meet them while reading

Let's get on with the story...

It was a cloudy afternoon in London, mist was filling up the air and everything was foggy. Suddenly a Ford model T was pulling upto Kings cross station, then a woman in her 30-is walked out of it. She was wearing a shimmery black dress along with a fur coat and black heels. Then a man also in his 30-is walked out and gently grabbed the woman's hand, he was wearing a black elegant suit, his suit had silver embroided on the cornor of his shoes. Then a very small, thin and pale girl walked out of it. She had terribly pale skin, it was close to the close to the color white, she had a very bony structure on her face and irisistable shining silver eyes. She had dark circles under her eyes and light short brown hair with cute little bangs.

"MERLIN'S SAKE WE'RE GONNA GET LATE, FOR MERLIN'S SAKE GET MOVING." The lady in her 30-is shrieked. "coming mum..." the little girl's voice trailed off while she walked quietly. This was Pansy Parkinson and her family.
They quickly sprinted upto platform nine and three quarters and her dad said "HURRY UP PANSY GODDAMNIT."
"right sorry dad." She said while carrying her trolley and walking onto the platform,  then her parents joined in.
Pansy looked up and saw the time "Merlin, we weren't late at all. There's still like half an hour* until the train leaves." She muttered to herself.

Suddenly they saw the malfoy family and they started to walk towards them. "Ah cissy..." pansy's mum said walking towards the malfoy family and grabbing Narcissa Malfoy into a hug. "It's been long, Aelina." she said as she hugged back
As their parents talked, the malfoy's only son Draco turned to pansy and gave her a quick smile then turned to adjust his collar. Pansy adjusted her denim skirt and using a tissue wipes some blood that was on her hands. Suddenly draco turned to her and she met his eye "what?" She said said raising her eyebrow and looking up at him, "you okay?" Draco said intensly looking at her eye, worried. "I-I'm fine." looking away from his mesmerising eyes. "Oh Merlin, look at the time. Draco, pansy you better get going." Narcissa malfoy said.

Draco gently grabbed my hand as I took my trolley and as we both got onto the train. We found a compartment where he sat opposite to me..I looked at his beautiful eyes, anyone could get lost in them. "QUIT STARING YOU RAT, he probably thinks your a creep." I told myself as I blushed a bit and looked away. "Well parkinson, hope you don't mind I told some friends they could sit here with us." Draco said with his angelic voice, I loved it when he calls me parkinson.
"Yeah sure that's okay" I said quietly. Suddenly 4 boys walked into our compartment. One of them had swept back dark brown hair and he sat down beside me. "Hey there I'm Theodore Knott" he said while smiling at me, then a tall dark ✨handsome guy and sat on the other side of me. Next there were two very fat guys one of them was short and the other tall sat down beside Draco, "I'm crabbe, Vincent Crabbe" said the short fat guy.."and this is Goyle" crabbe said as he pointed to the other fat but tall guy. "I'm Blaise Zabini" said the handsome guy who sat on my left. "Welp, I'm pansy, Pansy Parkinson" i said smiling weakly at them.

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