chapter 2.

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We have time-skipped to year three, Jean and Aaron are Pansy's bestfriends and yes. Rose and James are dating-


"Pansy?" Jean said while holding a copy of Numerology and Grammatica and as she, Keener and Pansy were taking a stroll near the lake. "Uh, Earth to Pansy" Aaron said. Pansy was day-dreaming about a magnificent specific person who she fancied. "JESUS PANS-" Jean said whacking Pansy with her book. "H-huh?" Pansy said staring all confused-like at Jean. "What'd you do 'at for?" Jean sighed "you were doing that fucking again." she said. "Oh sorry" Pans muttered.

They walked in on a Rose and James snogging rand Pansy starred at them coldly and said "get a fucking rooms, you cunts." Rose sarcastically rolled her eyes and pulled away from the kiss and said "well, you can go brag about your jealousy of me and James somewhere else, where someone would be bothered to listen." She said in a extremely cold tone as she grabbed James's hand and angrily stomped back to the castle.

"Pft, drama queen" Aaron said as he sat down and motioned for Jean and Pansy to sit down too. Jean and Aaron were talking while Pansy was looking at Wilbur sitting down alone. Suddenly there was a platinum blonde head and a red ginger head walking towards Wilbur. "Mind if we join you?" a soft angelic voice said to Wilbur. "Yeah sure" Wilbur said moving his ass a bit so that the two girls can sit. "Oh I've heard that voice." Pansy thought to herself. It was Ophelia with her friend Heather Norway, Heather was muggle-born and she was in ravenclaw, she had medium flowy red hair, blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. She sighed at the thought that she would NEVER be that pretty. Pansy's appearance had changed in the past two years a bit, instead of short hair with bangs, she had straight medium length brown soft hair and her dark circles had gotten worse and she had become paler than ever.


Suddenly a cold pale touched her shoulder from the back. "Huh?-" Pansy said turning behind to reveal a messy blonde haired handsome Draco wearing his slytherin robes and giving her a cute sweet smile he never gives anyone but Pansy.
Pansy got up from the bench and as she and Draco were walking towards the castle she said "so why did you come there?" Draco chuckled as he moved closer towards her and swiftly grabbed her waist and rested his other arm on the wall as he bent down a bit and intensely looked at her beautiful, lonely and empty silver eyes. "M-malfoy? What are you doing?" Pansy stuttered. "You've got something..." he said sexily as he leaned in closer. He was so close that their noses were an inch from touching. He reached out the hand he had on the wall and it was on Pansy's hair as he took out a small black rose from her hair " your hair." She intensely looked in his eye as he looked in hers and she bit her lower lip. "Right." She said biting her lip gently and she saw him blush as he put the black rose in her hair, "you look pretty with it" he said biting his lip a bit aggressively. "Pft, don't I always look pretty?" Pansy said raising her eyebrow, "you do" Draco said removing his hand from her waist and gently putting it on her cheek and his other hand on the wall and moved closer to her. "Didnt you say you had some defence against the dark arts work malfoy?" Pansy said as she herself moved closer to him, "I'll help you. You, me in the empty classroom on the fourth floor at nine pm. See you there Malfoy." She said getting out of his grip and winking at him and walking away.
She saw James sitting down as he had his face covered with his hand. It wasent like him, really.
They had their dinner and now Wilbur and James are talking in the hallway
"Honestly man you gotta get over her." Wilbur said as he sat down on a bench. "Ugh, I'm over that cheater Rose." James sprinting around in stress, "then why are you so fucking stressed dude?" Wilbur said raising his eyebrow "JESUS ITS THAT FUCKING HOE DRACO, HES GETTING CLOSE TO HER."

Who is "her"?
Keep reading lmao 😏
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