The Ache

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It was after a few hours that you had left,
When the agony and harsh reality had crept,

Like a slow poison, steadily and gradually, Even when the decision was made mutually.

Now a few years have passed,
The memories we shared have grown faint,
I seemed to have moved on, and learned very well how to paint.

But there are still some moments that come by,
When your beautiful face flashes across my eye.

Then I remember once again what I lost,
making me tongue-tied.
In the hurt, I realize how many parts of me have died.

Some more years pass and I've let you go.
My mind doesn't wander from you to and fro.
I found love again and I'm married,
She filled the void in my heart that I once carried.

I have a little girl of my own,
still can't believe how much she has grown,
that the day comes when I have to give her away,
And stop being her hero that day.

Somewhere down the line,
I reach the age seventy-nine.
When I can't walk anywhere;
the disease has spread everywhere.

I can't help but wonder,
Could our love have had a different ending,
Cause this love story seems to be pending.

In a different reality and a different universe,
Would our chemistry have effects so adverse?

As I lie in bed today on the verge of dying,
my family's all around me crying,
they think the disease will blow me over,
but I know it's the ache inside this star-crossed lover.

As I lie in bed today on the verge of dying,my family's all around me crying,they think the disease will blow me over,but I know it's the ache inside this star-crossed lover

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Yepp, I got a bit of a poetess in me :)

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Love, Zia.

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