I Do Know

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Oh, honey I know,
it is a very big blow.

It feels like a never ending pain,
like no rainbow after a lotta rain,

I ain't gonna tell you about,
how it's all going to be alright,
maybe I'll just sit here and listen,
as you rant and cryout.

Oh, honey I know,
You don't feel like talking,
all of their faces?
Yeah, I know they feel like they're mocking.

You're feeling harrassed,
and they haven't said a word,
there's a lot of pity and support,
yet that makes you feel like a piece of dirt.

Oh, honey I know,
you want the earth to swallow you whole,
your heart has this big, gaping hole.

You're hurt, because it is a big blow,
so I'll just sit here and listen,
until you again begin to glow.

Because, oh honey, I do know.


Sometimes all a person needs is for you to just listen to them. For you to make them feel heard.

Stay safe.

Love, Zia.

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