Hey guys, I need your help!

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Hey, dudes! Sorry for interrupting your reading or whatever you're doing, but I need some help. I'm trying to write my own book and I was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading it. It's about a girl who is in the zombie apocalypse and she saves this woman and her one year old son. Something happens to the mother so Jade, the main character, is taking care of him. They meet a few people on the way and eventually they reach a community, but it's not at all is it seems. If I publish the chapters, would you guys critique it and help me out. If not, that's cool! I don't want to pressure you guys into anything. Thanks for reading! Peace out, Girl Scouts!

P.s. just head to my page and check it out! Chapter one and two are there! Thanks so much! I owe you guys so much!

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