The Pull.

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Hello! This is the first part in many containing Calista and Gabriel. As I said in the welcome chapter, This book will NOT be filled with only these two. There will be other characters with their own stories in this book. I just wanted to clear that up, thank you for listening! Hope you enjoy The Pull.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Someone was knocking on the door. Gabriel looked at the time and furrowed his brows. It was 10 at night, who the fuck would be out and knocking on his door?

Knock. Knock. Knock-knock.

Huffing, Gabe turned to his tv and lowered the mic. " Hey, I'll be right back, someone is knocking on my door. " He said as he found a place to crouch and hide before getting up and taking his headset off.

Gabriel got up and rolled his shoulders, honestly he hadn't been up and about other than a few times to use the restroom. He groaned and let out a satisfied breath as he stretched his legs and walked to the door.

Knock.... knock.

The knocks seemed to be getting slower almost as if the person knocking was starting to lose hope of an answer. Gabe didn't know why but he felt something stir with sadness at the thought that the knocker would leave. Of course, this was odd since Gabriel didn't even know who was knocking.

" I'm coming, I'm coming, Jesus Christ. " He muttered and heard a small snrk and giggle from the other side of the door. It was oddly familiar, yet he couldn't put his tongue on why. The sound brought a small smile to Gabe's face, yet it faded as quickly as it came.

The knocks had stopped yet he knew the visitor wasn't gone, after all he hadn't heard their departing steps. Gabriel opened the door and stood there in shock at the person who was shyly smiling. The person's smile faded and anxiety darkened their eyes. They seemed to be waiting for his response before saying anything. This obviously started to make them anxious since Gabriel hadn't spoken or even blinked. Their right hand raised to their mouth and they started to nibble on their thumbnail nervously.

Finally Gabriel blinked and opened his mouth to speak yet nothing came out, he was honestly choked up. He closed his mouth and took a breath before trying again.

" Calista, what are you doing here? "


Calista blinked and lowered her hand slightly before shoving her hands into her jean pockets. She expected a more happy reaction yet she guessed after a year of not speaking, it was weird for her to suddenly show up at his door. Cali nervously chewed at her bottom lip before letting out a breath she had been unaware she was holding.

" I just got to California. I remembered when you gave me your address at some point and kinda just... hoped... you were still here. " She said nervously as she started to get quiet. " I came to California for a little break... I was going to try and look around and write a story here but, um... I didn't think of a place to stay so I was hoping that.... " She trailed off as she realized that she was rambling. Tears threatened to escape her eyes. She didn't expect for this to be so hard to force out.

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