Soldier, Poet, King

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"My lady?" The soldier called out, anxiety lacing their voice.
The goddess, Zeraphina, had sent for her soldier, an urgency in her message that the soldier had never heard before.
Upon entering her chamber, horror caused every hair on the soldier's neck to stand stick-straight. The room was in shambles, books spewed along the floor, bed flipped, door smashed to bits, everything that pointed to a struggle in the chamber.
Panic laced through the man's limbs as he gingerly slinked along the wall, hands gripping the hilt of his sword. In his head, he muttered his calming mantra over and over as well as pleas to anyone that the goddess was safe and in no real harm.
"Ca-Cassius" A weak voice called out.
Following the voice, Cassius stumbled on what he thought was a rock, yet was actually the arm of his precious goddess buried under piles of rubble broken down from the side of her wall, likely exploded, dropping his bag. Besides her were two bandits. Both covered head to toe in black cloth. Almost as one, they turn and stare Cassius down.
"Step away from the Goddess Zeraphina." Cassius commanded, his voice being carried with a quiet authority as his hands once again reached for his sword. Unfortunately to his unease, the bandits showed no intention of stepping away, in fact one grabbed the goddess's hair and lifted her head up, grinning as his eyes darkened with malicious intent.
"Must I repeat myself? Step away." Cassius asserted, drawing his sword and holding it out in front of him.
The bandits merely laughed as they both drew their own weaponry, the bandit with his hand wrapped in Zeraphina's hair drawing a small dagger and the other drawing a scim.
Before he could react, the bandit with the dagger slashed a gash in Zeraphina's cheek.
Rage. Unbridled rage coursed through every fiber of Cassius's being as red filled his vision. He was acutely aware of his actions as he slashed through the bandits who held the goddess.
Coming to, Cassius dropped his sword and swung his head wildly around to find her.
As he registered her location, he rushed to her side at once, eyes searching the frail figure beneath him. As he scanned her, Zeraphina reached her hand up and cupped Cassius's face, redirecting his attention from her wounds to her face which, despite being covered in scratches, was relaxed.
"Don't worry, your royal highness, I will get you all healed up." Cassius fretted as he turned his head back to her body, hurriedly brushing off any rock or debris off the goddess.
"Cassius..." She whispered again, the emotion in the soft voice immediately catching Cassius's attention. He looked down at her and anxiously scanned her face, his eyes finally settling on hers as she used both hands to hold his face.
"Goddess, please... let me tend to you. I'm not just some soldier, I have some medic training as well. I need to know if you are bleeding. Your peop-" Cassius was cut off as Her Royal Highness spoke.
"Cassius, I will be alright. You are bleeding as well, my soldier," She spoke. "Tend to yourself before you tend to me."
Cassius looked down and saw the scim protruding from his ribs and finally felt the first feelings of pain, however he shook his head.
"My Lady, I am the least of my worries, as I should be the least of yours. You are a Goddess. Your life hangs higher of importance than mine could ever.
Cassius assured her as he got up, scim still buried between his ribs, and grabbed his bag he previously dropped and reached in it, grabbing his first aid supplies.
Returning to Zeraphina's side, Cassius started to tend to her wounds, too busy on her to realize that her gaze was focused on his every feature. She dared not to break his trance as that would cause her a loss of studying and learning every freckle that dotted his face.
Leaning back, Cassius got to his feet, wincing as he finally pulled the scim out of his torso. Zeraphina was relieved to see that he seemed to be tending to himself, however that was short lived because instead of starting to treat himself, the soldier leaned down and hoisted her into his arms, gently situating himself for her head to be leaned against his shoulder. His arms supporting her legs and back as he took her to his quarters.
"Cassius, you'll lose too much blood if you carry me all the way to your quarters, put me down and take care of your injury!" The Goddess ordered. Cassius seemed oblivious to the fact she spoke however.
Upon arriving at the soldier quarters, Cassius quietly ushered Zeraphina into his room before any of the other soldiers caught them and asked questions, it was well known that if soldiers brought anyone back to the quarters there would be a long process of paperwork. Even for a one night stay.
Laying the goddess down on his billet gently, Cassius checked her over once more, searching for any injury he might have missed, grunting slightly as pain seared through his side.
Finally, he could no longer ignore his own health and stumbled his way to the room where he kept his necessities. He sat on a chair and started fixing himself up.
As he did that, Zeraphina was left to her own devices. She looked around the room, learning about the soldier who just saved her and was working on bandaging himself up in the bathroom area. His room was littered with books and, much to her amusement, stuffed animals.
Zeraphina smiled and leaned up on her elbows, trying to get any glimpse of Cassius, yet the door was closed and so she was left with nothing but the occasional grunt of pain.
Finally when she couldn't take it anymore, she got up and walked towards the door, listening to hear if there was movement. When she heard nothing, she knocked quietly.
Cassius opened the door immediately, his eyes sparking with anxiety. "Zeraphina? Is everything alright, my lady?" Cassius asked quietly, his torso bare aside from some bandages wrapped tightly around his stomach and abdomen region.
Zeraphina immediately covered her eyes and mumbled quick apologies as she backed up. As she did, she failed to realize there was furniture and stumbled back, against the chair. She gripped the headrest of the chair as her back was bent along the arm rest, leaving her in an exposed position.
Cassius blinked, unsure of what just happened, yet reached forward and grabbed Zeraphina's hand and as well as placed his hand on her waist to hoist her up.
"Are you alright? I apologize, my furniture is haphazardly placed." Cassius muttered, clearing his throat as he let go of Zeraphina's waist upon noticing her reddening cheeks. His own cheeks started to heat as he realized how improper he was in front of her royal highness.
"Don't worry about it." Zeraphina waved her hand in dismissal as she stepped away from Cassius, embarrassment evident in her eyes.
Sighing, Cassius mutters another apology before excusing himself to find a new shirt. He paused and closed his eyes, pondering on what to do next.
"Madam, would you like me to get you anything? I'm heading to the wash and won't be back for a bit."
"No... I'm okay."
Cassius nodded in response and left the room, forgetting about a change of clothes. By the time Zeraphina realized, he was already gone and in the shower.
After some time went by, Cassius returned to his quarters, towel wrapped tightly around his waist. He knocked before he entered the room.
"My Lady?" He called quietly, peeking his head in the room to find that Zeraphina had fallen asleep on his mattress, covered carelessly in his sheets.
Letting out a sigh of relief, he walks into the room and starts searching for a new attire to wear to bed. It was getting rather late.
Grabbing some trousers and a celtic shirt to rest in, Cassius checked on the goddess one last time before gathering a kip and laying it along the floor and settling down.
As he lay there, his mind ventured to the day's eventfulness and eventually into the land of dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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