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It's been about a day since the people of earth returned and in a surprise turn of events no crimes were committed in that period everyone that were on planes, boats and other transportation were at their destinations , people in hospitals especially in surgical procedures were healed.

Many believed it was because of the ones that took them to see what spiderman was and were waiting to see the rest.

Many were given time off work for this while others didn't get that privilege even though not even a second had passed since they returned.

Those that tried committed crimes since the viewing started found themselves frozen the moment they thought of it hearing a voice simply saying "Try it bitch see what happens" scaring the hell out of them making them change their minds.

A big surprise came to the children of the spider upon the day break they were treated differently almost like prince and princesses. They were sent many gift from people they don't even know.

The cuckoos had a bit of pain in the dead of night and when they woke up they found themselves stronger , faster and for some reason felt a buzzing in their heads when they were in the danger room and have been having things stuck to their hands and feet all morning.
They got really annoyed though the students were watching them a lot more especially quentin quire aka kid omega he's been a pain in the ass for them but has been getting worse until  they had enough and triple punch him.

The twins Franklin and valeria were probably having better luck dealing with their annoyances.
Since they were younger they had to deal with the press trying to get a scoop on the family but now they were more like vultures than ever.
The kids had to take the fantasti car to school to avoid the built up crowd around the Baxter building.

At school it was relatively normal for them except for the comments about them being bastards that nearly got both detention for nearly attacking the girl who said it.

In gym however their were some incidents.
For Franklin he was climbing the rope he trying to climb but couldn't the rope was too slippery, he even heard some of this classmates snickering st him he got angry to the point he simply griped the rope and pulled ripping out the rope as well as its anchor.

With the girls however valeria was playing dodgeball she saw on the other team was the same girl who made comment and simply chose to ignore her which made the girl angry and when the game was over aimed a shot directly at valeria's turned head.
However as she threw it valeria felt as if an alarm had went off in her head causing her to jump not just over the ball but to land and stick on the gym ceiling.

After both incidents both were sent home as it was apparently obvious that they were not in full control of their powers, unknown to most these were new to them too.

Both the x-men and fantastic four ( minus reed since he was I'm his lab since they got back) were dodging calls from not only news outlets but also government officials wanting either to have interviews or to put the children of spiderman in what was called ' protective custody ' since they are now key to the multiverse's survival.

The only one not having this headache was Jessica drew since no one knew her identity which was strange since she did not have have on her mask during the viewing but guessed her face was removed from people's minds since none recognized her on the street of those without and that after she returned went straight to avengers tower with Gerry much to the annoyance of a certain chicken eyed archer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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