The Encounter

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Chloe looked around her in the game to make sure no one was near. "So who has spun their wheel in The Diamond Casino?" she asked. It was silent for awhile before the Greif_Kid spoke up "I have" He said the others said nothing "I'm guessing the rest of you didn't." Chloe chuckled and all in unison the boys said no except Grief_Kid. As we all chatted for awhile all of us saw at the bottom left corner above our mini map that some dumbass had killed Greif_Kid and all of us knew how defensive he gets so Greif was not happy at all. But we all knew once one of us gets killed we all get involved to stick up for them so all of us made our way to Greif. Chloe and Grief got on their thermal goggles aka quad lens helmets. and our snipers while Michael, Jonathan and Niall got their MK2's. Tom just was going head on. Chloe and Greif got on top of buildings as we all surround the guy who killed Grief. There was no way he would escape as we all had our eyes and guns on them as Chloe and Grief has their snipers with the thermal goggles. Soon the killing started as Grief shot the first shot getting the guy with a headshot. We all then started shooting the guy as he respawned calling it Spawn Killing the lad. Soon the guy started chatting shit over mic and Grief started chatting shit back but much worse. Soon the shouting between the two stopped but once we all killed the guy for the 20th time the guy came back on mic and luckily all of us were on everyone for voice chat as he spoke sending chills down everyone's  back. 

What he said was "Just you all wait you will get what's coming to you all and you won't be laughing then especially when you buried 10 feet underground. Then he left the lobby. We all changed our voice chat to Friends + Crew. All of us were quite for awhile our characters stayed still as we let what just happened sink in. "Well.. we all know he doesn't mean it so there's nothing to be afraid of" Jonathan broke the silence as he spoke. "Yea defiantly" Grief said but we could all hear a bit of fear in his voice "It..felt like he meant it though. That's what makes us so unsure" Chloe answered. You could just feel everyone agree with her though there was silence. "Maybe some parkours will cheer us up. Jonathan set up your playlist" Grief said "Okay" Jonathan said and his mic goes off as he sets up his playlist. "Just forget about it all guys it means nothing" Niall said. Soon we all received the invite from Jonathan and we all joined. Once all ready we played parkour for about 3-4 hours. Before we all said goodbye to each other logging off from gta5.

Chloe then went into her Spotify and let music play as she got up from her seat taking out her phone and messaged Michael.


Hey Hey you still up?


Do you think that guy meant what he said

Idk but for now just ignore it he can't do anything especially if he lives so far away


I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?

Okay Goodnight Michael

Night Chloe sweet dreams :)

Chloe smiled before she turned her phone off. she then makes herself dinner before she plays her ps4 for awhile. Soon at around 12:00am in the morning goes goes to bed turning her ps4 off and sleeping

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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