Videl Satan (Spankee)

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You are Launch and Tien's daughter, around the same age as Gohan and born and trained in all the same ways as your father and you have managed to keep up with the half-Saiyan through determination and endless training, even beyond that of what your father had ever done. Also, you thankfully only have two eyes. You had actually even joined the fight against Cell and were able to stagger and stun him even in his perfect form.

You and Gohan were now attending Orange High School in Satan City, where you became classmates and fast friends with Videl. And while Gohan was content to simply handle street thugs as his means of exercise, you had continued training even after Cell was defeated, training under Vegeta, much to the chagrin of your father.

Time went on and you and Videl were now best friends, although you wanted to be more, but you were unsure how to move it forward. And while the Earth was now mostly at peace, there were the occasional villain who'd pop in out of nowhere and pose a challenge you, Gohan or the other Z-fighters not quite at Goku and Vegeta's level. And while you and Videl were often training, she wasn't quite on your level yet and would only endanger herself if she stepped into the battlefield as she was.

This all came to a head when Beerus came to Earth in search of the Super Saiyan on Bulma's birthday. You knew something was wrong when VEGETA of all people groveled before this creature. And yet, Videl was one of the first people to jump into combat after Beerus started to pulverize Buu.

"Videl, no! Wait!" You cried out.

"Who do you think you are!?" She demanded as she attacked Beerus, who lazily avoided each attack. "My dad's the hero of this planet! And Buu's his best friend! You don't get to do that to them!" She snapped.

"That doesn't mean anything to me. All I wanted was some pudding and that fat slob denied me it. So he had to pay. Now you're being insolent, so you'll pay." He declared, delivering a punch to her stomach that easily knocked the wind out of her.

"Videl, no!" You cried out, firing several ki blasts as you rushed in. Beerus landed some small hits on you, but you managed to power through do to your desire to protect Videl. "Well, well! You seem to clearly care about her. Well, in that case, HAVE HER!" Beerus declared, throwing Videl at you and knocking you both out.

You two were out for the rest of the day and Gohan told you what happened when you woke up. You were thankful that everything turned out fine, but you knew that it easily could've gone bad for you and ESPECIALLY Videl. You returned home to the house Hercule bought the two of you and you decided to let her have it. "I can't believe you, Videl! You saw how scared Vegeta was of that guy and you barreled right in to attack him!" You told her.

"I had to! You saw how he was messing with Buu!" Videl insisted.

"Buu deserved it! He was hogging all the pudding! Besides, Buu can regenerate from a microscopic piece of himself! You can't!" You told her.

"Neither can you, but you rushed in!" Videl countered.

"Only to save you!" You countered.

"Oh, what are you saying, Y/N!? Just because I'm a normal human and not some kind of crazy  three-eyed energy monk and hair-changing weirdo, that means I'm not strong enough to fight evil!?" She demanded.

You were shocked at this. Your parents were your heroes and both were incredible displays of the will of human beings. "My parents may be different, but that's not what makes me powerful! You know I'm as human as you are! I'm strong because I trained for years! When I was as young as possible! And even if I was only strong because of who my parents are, you'd be mad at me for that?! I can't believe you!" You snapped, shedding a few tears.

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