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With the news of Teruhashi and Saiki leaving to study abroad, news spread quick. Soon almost everyone was begging Teruhashi to stay, especially her brother since four eyes is coming along.

The first people to hear the Teruhashi and Saiki were dating, was of course their usual group  (Kaido, Nendou, Mera, Chiyo, Aren 

and Saiko)

They were all surprised except for Chiyo who had a hunch that they liked each other, only nudged Teruhashi with a grin.

"When did it all happen??" The anxious teenagers asked.

Teruhashi didn't know if she should tell them but she knew that it wasn't a secret afterall. 

"Me and Saiki-Kun, well um.. We just happened to find ourselves caught in life's game? Before I knew it, I fell harder than ever, however that let me with Saiki-Kun and I don't regret it!" She stuttered as she didn't know if those were the proper words.

Saiko and Aren blushed, while Nendou was clueless and just said "Good job, buddy!" straight to Saiki who was eating coffee jelly while his head was on Teruhashi's shoulder.

Chiyo was grabbing Mera while she was trying to steal Saiki's coffee jelly.

"When will you be leaving?" Saiko asks not really wanting to know because it would make him tear up.

"Since term starts there in about 5 months, I'd like to settle in and get used to the life there. In one week we leave for South Korea." She smiles.

"O-one week!?" They all gasp. "But Kokomi-" Chiyo starts. 

Suddenly Nendou points out, "Why don't we all just spend time together for each passing day and plan a party on their last day?" 

That was the best idea Nendou had made.

For each passing day they went to places like eat out in places that has a conveyor belt sushi line, hyaku yen or 100 yen stores, bamboo forests and of course ramen.

Before they knew it it was the last day for Saiki and Teruhashi.

During the party not a lot of people were invited as Teruhashi knew Saiki didn't like crowds.

Teruhashi stood up and so did Saiki. Teruhashi took a deep breath and started,

 "Everyone, thank you. Not just for the party but for how much effort you took out of your time just to spend it with us, I'm grateful. We hope that you'll come and visit us in Korea!" 

Her cheeks were bright, this was now Saiki's turn to speak. 

"I'm not an expert at farewell's, however I'll try my best. I didn't think you all would be so important to me but, here I am. I'm glad Teruhashi has great friends like you. Kaido, Nendou, Aren and Saiko let's get some ramen again sometime. He said calmly while holding onto Teruhashi's hand.

The next day. (Or departure day)

Both Saiki and Teruhashi hugged their friends goodbye, sadly even though the two didn't want anyone crying all of them were shedding at least a couple of tears.

The pair walked hand in hand towards their gate happily, as tears were flowing down on Teruhashi's face, Saiki wiped it off and patted her head. Their journey wasn't over, it had just started...

Sequel coming out soon! This is where we find out what happens in their stay at Korea! 

(Note: No this will not be updated here, I'll be posting a new novel about it!)

Thank You for staying with this rollercoaster! I appreciate it! Til the sequel, I'll see you again! <3

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