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02 | strawberry custard.

renjun was on his tiptoes, trying to stick the poster with the details on it perfectly straight onto his bakery window. he smiled proudly after he had successfully stuck it on, turning on his heels to walk back to the oven where he had a batch of croissants baking.

it was when he had started whipping his strawberry custard to fill the croissants with, that his first customers had come in and they were none other than his own friends; jeno and jaemin. "morning guys!" they both smiled seeing their friend work hard behind the counter. "is there anything we can do to help injun-ah?" jeno spoke softly as he lay his jacket on the chair jaemin had sat on. renjun looked up at his friends before shaking his head and placing two strawberry custard croissants on the counter "no im fine don't worry, and here a little breakfast treat" he took the plates and placed em down in front of jaemin before ruffling the youngers hair. "tell me if it tastes nice ok?" jaemin nodded and took a bite out of his before licking the custard off his lips. "ok i know i hate strawberry but this is actually delicious-" jeno chuckled as he ate his, eyes diverting back to renjun. "you sure you don't need help? then what's the poster out the window hm?" renjun bit his lip and looked away, he knew his two friends were busy every day; they both worked in the library constantly checking out books and running around helping people choose titles. he didn't want them to sacrifice their loved jobs to come help him with his crumbling one. they were his two best friends, he wanted them to be at peace and to do what they love and even if having them here every day seemed like an amazing idea, renjun didn't want them seeing how broken and broke he was, unlike them who had well-paying jobs.

renjun shook his head, and chuckled. "i want someone to help me bake you know unlike yall i can't trust yall after what happened last time-"
"yaa that was one burnt egg w-"
jaemin started,
"oh shush it a burnt egg is still a burnt egg and i don't even know how someone can burn an egg black and down to the pan"
they both pouted knowing renjun had a point. "but we can clean!"
"did yall help clean when yall wrecked my kitchen after we made cupcakes? i spent hours cleaning while yall watched tv don't get me started i still have that pan yall burned with the egg-" and the three ended up cracking up, thinking back to their memories.

it was every saturday that they got together for a full day, all on break and they would spend the day catching up and doing random shit. but as jaemin and jeno got jobs their hangouts became rarer but the two always made sure to stop by at least once to see renjun, like now.

"aish ok fine, hopefully you find a helper soon injunnie and good luck with today! we've got to get going it's almost nine-" they both bid him farewell and took their remaining croissants as they headed to the library for another pleasant day of work.

a/n :: a little filler ig, hopefully yall will enjoy this as much as i am writing it- <3

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