Its time to grow up

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A soft breeze caresses my face, and consciousness returns to me as I roll over. My sheets tangled with my body. I hear a soft snore, the noise loud in the peaceful silence of the room. My eyes flicker open, the bright amber light blinding my eyes. The sun streams through the window like a river flowing from the open sky. I peer over at the girls, Pansy's hair spilled gracefully over her pillow, framing her face. Daphne, even in sleep looks breathtakingly beautiful. I glance over to my bedside table, the dark oak smooth as my fingers graze the surface. My clock ticks hazily in the silence, it reads 7:30 am. A soft laugh escapes my lips, I won't have to fight for the bathroom this morning (Pansy always makes a fuss to be the first one to use the bathroom in the morning, but not today. I have woken up before both the girls as today we are heading home, another year has gone past in a flick of a wand).

I scratch Hades behind the ear as I pull the cover off my legs and shift myself to the end of the bed. Hades squeaks as he stretches his legs across my bed and reverts back to sleeping.(I've had hades since first year, he's a slinky black cat with bright lapius blue eyes. So obviously I had to name him hades). A chill spreads down my spine as the cool air wraps itself around my body, coating me like a blanket. The chill leaves slightly as my toes touch the warm wood floor.

I walk over to my window, bending my knee on the stone slab bench below the window frame. The cushion dips as it takes my weight. The wind hits my face, smelling of fresh pine and salt (I love how our common room is submerged under the black lake but our dorms are in the Slytherin tower standing with pride over the lake. It means every morning my sense is filled with the familiarity of smells, sights, and sounds). I tie down the curtains that are blowing beside me, tickling my arms. I pull the window shut and click the lock into place. I pick up my folded clothes on my dresser and make my way to the bathroom, I glance behind me as I close the door and the girls are still sound asleep.

I padded out of the bathroom, steam bellowing out around me. I am still drying my hair with my towel when I see Pansy heading straight for me running backward. I dodge out of the way using the poster of my bed to stable myself, pansy turns into the bathroom and slams the door shut behind her. (So glad I won't have to deal with this until 4th year, I can't handle fighting over the bathroom anymore). "That's it I'm getting up before her next year, no more sleep-ins!"Daphne says trying to sound serious. We stare at the bathroom door together for a heartbeat before we both break out in laughter.

I glance in my free-standing mirror, my eyes traveling to all my pictures plastered to the frame. I pick up my brush and run it through my hair, untangling the last of the knots from the night before. I am wearing washed-out black jeans that now are greyish black from use. (I bought them on our first trip to Hogsmeade this year and have non stopped wearing them since)I pair it with my platform doc martens, a white long-sleeve top, and a burgundy knitted sweater on top.

"Pansy you look great, come on we are gonna be late if you stay in there any longer" I call out to Pansy, who insisted she had to put more makeup on. (Daph and I have both assured her she looks beautiful) "Great isn't perfect is it! Go on ahead I'll catch up" pansy shouts back. I shake my head and peer at Daphne, she's rolling her eyes and says "She sure is stubborn huh?", I nodded in response as I fold the last of my clothes into my suitcase. I carefully pull my photos from the mirror and place them in my treasure box and place it into my suitcase, before I slam it shut and clasp the locks together. "Come on Hades, I'll put u in your carrier when we get to the hall" I say to him as I bend down to stroke his back. He flares his tail and slips it around my wrist before he strolls towards the door leading the way.

Daphne and I make our way down to the common room, Hardly anyone is down here. Apart from a few 6th years staring out the windows, into the black lake. (They are still trying to spot the mermaids that supposedly live in the black lake, suppose they are trying one last time before they leave Hogwarts for the final time) We reach the bottom of the stairs and start off our journey up the never-ending staircases. "Here we go again," I say to Daph. "Oh to be a Hufflepuff and be right next to the great hall" Daphne lets out as we tackle the first few steps. (And the Hufflepuff common room is right next to the kitchen. I can never get any of them to confess they know a way into the kitchen. I know they feast on snacks throughout the year). "Not sure you'd fit to be a Hufflepuff Daph" I breathe out. "Hmm, yeah I don't think yellow would complement my skin tone" she starts "but at least they do not have to walk up these stairs every day, and now with a bloody heavy trunk". "I rather walk up all these stairs than wear yellow" Daphne and I both look behind us at Pansy who's taking the stairs two at a time with her trunk. All three of us laugh a breathly giggle as we continue. (I already have a stitch and we still have a long way to go).

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