Chapter 2

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I woke Up in my bed. The sky was navy blue. We were able to see the first stars and the full moon. I didn't remember what happened and how. And how I ended up here.
And the memories came through my mind. Heather and Vivi, who were Engaged, that they wanted a child. And that I found out I was pregnant. How? How Cardan gonna react? And was I ready for having a little me? I didn't know. Of course I wanted a child, but not that fast. But I had to go in the mortal world and buy a pregnancy test before telling him. I get up and went to the research of Vivi. When I found her on the sofa of her bedroom, Heather, were in a bath as I heard. I took a deep breath and told her "We have to go in the mortal world. I have to do it to see if I really am" She looked at me with a sad smile and nodded. I was sure that it was easy to see how desperate I was. We agreed that we would go tomorrow morning saying that she had forgotten something. So I back off to the King's and Queen's room. When I open the door, I saw Cardan putting off his clothes. He was shirtless and terribly sexy. We were able to see his muscles, working to put off his clothes and it was a wonderful spectacle for my eyes. "Hey" I said and instinctively he turned to me and smiled with all his teeth. I ran to him and I went into his arms and put my head on his torso and relax with the sound of his heartbeats. He put his head on mine and a few minutes later he looked at me and asked me " Are you okay Babe?" I met his gazes and we didn't need words for understood each other. So he kissed my  forehead and carried me next to the bed, put off my clothes and let my underwear on me and put me in the bed and before he joined me and put off his pants . When he arrived, he hugs me and gave me a soft kiss on my lips and I fell asleep in his arms with tears in my eyes hoping He didn't see them.
When I woke up, we were able to barely see the sun but he was there. I was still in Cardan's laps, with my head on his torso, my arms around his waist and our legs crossed together. I wanted to stay here starting at him all day long, but I knew what I had to do. One minute later I woke up my husband with a kiss on his lips and a few seconds later he kissed me back. Then I said " I have to go in the mortal world with Vivi. She forgot something and I proposed her my company. And everyone Love having me with" he smiled and told me "Okay my love. Just don't take too much time because I want to see you and spend time with you okay?" I looked at him. "I promise you, my husband that I will be here in time" and we laughed and kissed with a lot of love.
After this I went looking for Vivi in her bedroom. I knocked on the door and opened it and saw Vivi talking with Heather about being careful without the other one. Mostly for Heather and promised to my sister to stay with Taryn and Leïa. Then Vivienne said goodbye and walked away with me. When we were in the forest we have begun to feel the wild and damn it was rare at Elfame so you didn't really have good clothes for but Vivi took some hoodies and gave me one. During the journey we didn't much talked and I was thankful because I really didn't want to talk at this moment of my life when I was barely able to think about something more than three second before I forgot it. When we arrived, I asked her " Do you think that if the test is positive I gonna have to do an ultrasound or something else?" I was mentally unstable, but I tried my best for hiding it. "I think so. If you don't have an idea since when you're pregnant, you should" I did my best for think and I said " My period is late of a week, so I guess I'm "potentially pregnant" (hard to say those words) of between a month and 1week"
"Well I think I didn't use my brain but we gonna say that your a month pregnant. If you are" she said. " But may we go first somewhere I can eat? I didn't eat this morning"  She rolled her eyes and nodded. So we went  into a restaurant and ordered two coffees, three croissants, an omelet, few pancakes and two orange juices. When we received them, we started eating, I drank all of my juice in fifteen seconds and ate a croissant, pancakes with caramel on and I was going to take my coffee when I realized that it shouldn't be good for the baby, so I gave it to Vivi who was happy to have more coffee for herself. It was sucks because I wanted one but I remembered that when I was "exiled" I read something about the caffeine and the effects when someone was pregnant. So I didn't want to take a risk.
When we finished eating Vivi paid and we went out and went to a pharmacy. Vivienne knew every shop in every street of this town. "You want I ask for you or not?" she asked. I didn't get it at the moment that she talked about the pregnancy test, but when I did, I nodded. So I stayed in the back of the shop waiting my sister. When she arrived, I was in my mind, imagining me with a baby. My baby. Our baby. Mine and Cardan's. I would never imagine this. A few years ago I wouldn't even think about having a child so. As I saw we weren't able to plan everything, even in our own life.
When I went back to the real life we were already in front of the door of Vivi's apartment. She put her hand in her pocket and pulled it out with a bunch of keys. She took one of them and inserted in the door, turned it and opened it. The apartment was exactly as I remembered. There was the sage green sofa against the wall to the left, the television opposite of it, with a polished wooden table in the center that was set on a white long pile rug. The black marble kitchen, with a central island. And a few stools around it. I sat on one of them and Vivi on another. She kept a paper bag on her knees. She opened it and took a pink-blue-white box who was writing on "pregnancy test". I really didn't want to do it but I knew I had to. I knew deep in my heart that I was. But I took the box, opened it and found an aluminum bag. I read how to do it and I went in the toilet. I had to piss on it and wait five minutes. When I did it, I went back in the living room. I put the test in the box and sat on the sofa.
Vivi was next to me holding my hand. I put my head on her shoulder and relax a little " I don't know how I gonna tell him. We never talked about having kids. Or Not so fast. Of course I want children with him but... You what I mean"
And I was correct because she did. She saw me grow up, saw my desires changed, my mind. " I think you changed Cardan. No, I don't think you changed him, I know it. You think how the old Cardan would reacts about it. The one who was cruel with everyone. The one who humiliated you, Taryn, everyone.  Not the Cardan who loves you. Who are totally in love with you. Who did everything for you. The one who tried his best for being a good husband and a nice High King. I think he wants a family with you more than you think" she said, smiling at me. I knew she was right at this moment. "You're ready?" she asked me. I nodded and took the box. I plunged my hand into it and held the stick. I looked at it. And naturally,
It was positive. I was definitely pregnant with Cardan's future child. The future Prince of Elfame

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