Part 1

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Your POV

        You were moving to Zora's Domain to help clean the algae bloom that took over the area. You were temporarily staying at one of the markets that you always casually broke into at night. The sun was about up so you quickly got your stuff together and headed to go begin your long day cleaning. A sigh left your mouth as you grabbed your cleaning supplies and begun to scrub away at the thick purplish green algae. It was absolutely everywhere making the once beautiful kingdom look like an abandoned swamp. The area was quite and still, probably because not a lot of people were awake due to it being incredibly early. A cold breeze passed through as you continued scrubbing and wiping away the gunk. The sun was very slightly peeking through the clouds by the time the first of many water features were free from algae. Yawning, you make your way toward the next place you needed to clean. It was a large pool with several waterfalls flowing into it. You felt like you were going to cry as you realized the whole thing was absolutely caked in the the disgusting sludge. "This is going to take forever!" You complained slowly inching your way toward the pool. You took one step into the pool only to slip and fall straight into the slimy, squishy, and rotten fruit scented algae making you want to throw up. You tried to get out but only succeeded in slipping again allowing the green water to splash up on your face. Suddenly you see a hand reach out to you "hey you okay?" You look up only to see a gorgeous fish man. You grab his hand and he helps you up "your the new Y/G right?" You nod blushing "I'm the zora prince Sidon!" He did that signature smile thing he does for a few minutes until you realize the time. "Oh I'm Y/N..." You say quietly grabbing your cleaning supplies again preparing to continue your job. "So if you ever need help feel free to meet me at the palace." You nod beginning to scrub the algae once again.

Time skip 100 hours later

           At last the pool was free from algae! You cheerfully walk out of the pool and run to the shop you stayed at and happily broke in. "Alone at last!" You realize you accidentally screeched those words unaware the shop owner was still there. She looked at you for a good hour before freaking out and tossing you out. You crash into Sidon who was just randomly there "um you ok..." You look up at the tall red fish man "I'm fine!" You start screeching then walk away back to the now clean pool crab style. Sidon stares at you confused then slowly walks away mumbling something to himself. You begin sinking into the water 'this shall be my new home' you think now swimming like a fish.  You wake up to the sound of someone running and the sun boiling the the water you were in. You climb out of the water only to spot Sidon once again but this time he was with someone. "That Y/N is a bit unusual huh?" He says walking along side a strange blue fish girl "probably... Most of the people who just moved here are strange..." "Y/P isn't exactly strange just interesting... I'm exited to see what else Y/P has to bring." You are now sunken in the water again trying to hide from the gorgeous fish prince. You looked at Sidon closely and could've sworn you saw him blush when he said your name. Then you  realize your running out of oxygen so you had no choice but to leap out of the water. After you catch your breath you look up only to realize you landed next to Sidon and his friend "ummmm hi Y/N..." You blush like crazy and run freaking out. This move wasn't going too great so far...

(I ended this chapter a bit early but I'll work on the next chapter soon. This was recommended by ShrekisMotherNature  btw so go check them out)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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