Chapter 19 + Extra

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Chapter 19

I stared at Jordan and Daniel with surprise as they had another mini glaring competition and I felt a little speechless.

"Uh.. W-well," I started, biting on my lip, "we were just.. We went out, you know."

Jordan's hazel eyes met mine and I could see a slight flicker of jealousy in them, and I looked down a little.

"Really?" Leah asked me with narrowed eyes and I gulped, nudging Daniel a little bit.

"Yes," Daniel replied.

"To where?"

"Do we really have to answer that?"

"Yes," both Jordan and Leah said at the same time.

Me and Daniel turned to look at each other.

"You're kinda nosing into our business a little bit, don't you think?" Daniel asked calmly and folded his arms.

"We know where you both went, " Leah hissed slightly, "you went to Manhattan Beach, didn't you?"

I gulped.

Daniel fidgeted.

I coughed.

Daniel fidgeted some more.

I gazed at my fingernails.

Daniel ruffled his hair.

I bit on my lip.

Daniel looked away.

I looked around.

Daniel whistled.

"Okay, okay. Fine, we went to Manhattan Beach," I sighed and nudged Daniel, "gosh! You're the guy! You were supposed to tell!"

"Well, I thought YOU were going to tell," he huffed, "they're your friends, duh."

"My friends!? They're yours, too!"

"Wait," he dramatically sighed, "you got it wrong. Listen, Joey-"


"Fine, whatever. Jordan and I do NOT get along much, as you can see."

"But Leah likes you."

"Oh, really? Thanks Leah," he flashed her a heart-melting smile.

She flirtatiously winked at him, and I could feel bubbles of jealousy erupt from my chest.

I scrunched up my nose and turned towards Jordan, who was just slurping on the pasta like it was spaghetti.

I mimicked him, hungry and just stared as Leah said, "I kept on calling you! I was scared that you suddenly got.. Kidnapped, or something!"

"Yurh!" Jordan exclaimed, mouth filled with food. Actually, no. Scratch that. He looked like some chipmunk who stuffed enough nuts in his mouth to feed a whole family.

"I'b been weally wollied, e no?" he said and filled more pasta in his mouth.

Leah patted his back and said, "There, there. Don't eat while your mouth is full, little brother."

He nodded at her and said, "M'kay! mfanks!"

Me and Daniel turned towards each other and I asked Leah, "What did he say?"

She blinked at me and said, "he said 'okay, thanks!'."

I shook my head, "No! The sentence before that!"

She scrunched up her nose, "erm, I think he said, 'I've been really worried, ya know?'."

I nodded.

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