Chapter 1

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↭ ↭ Chapter 1 ↭ ↭

"I hate you.. I sooooo hate you!" I glared at him.

He smirked and said, "I know that, Honeybunch."

"Why do I have to do this!?" I whined.

He rolled his eyes.

"Because you agreed to it, Honeybunch."

"Remind me. I never agreed! I told you I'd think about it! I never said you could carry on with the stupid plan!" I growled.

He crossed his arms.

"Honeybunch, when one says, 'I'll think about it" means they're already going to say yes, you know that, right?"

I glared at him once more and said, "How would you know that they're going to say yes?"

He grinned.


"Stop calling me that!"

"Alright, well, Honey, It's-"

"Not that, either!'

"It's better than Honeybunch, isn't it?"

"I don't like it!"

"Just bear with it, Honey."

"GAH! Shut the hell up!" I yelled.

He was quiet. He was frowning quite a bit.

His eyes suddenly turned watery and his lips turned into a stiff line.

I rolled my eyes.

Not going to fall for that..

Not going to fall for that-

He looked up at me with puppy-dog eyes.

Still not going to fall for it..

I am not going to fall for it-

"GAH! Fine! Whatever! But I prefer to be called Heather, Daniel," I gritted my teeth.

He smirked and slumped back onto his chair.

"Alright. What was I saying? Ah," he grinned, "when one says 'I'll think about it' the word Y-E-S is written in your st- special-looking face."

I gave him a smug look.

"You were going to say stupid, weren't you?"

"What? Pshh.. Pfft.. NO!" he denied.

"Riiiiiight.." I rolled my eyes.

He suddenly giggled.

I gave him a weird look.

"Sorry, you kinda sounded like Doctor Evil.."

I raised a brow.


"You know, the villain in Austin Powers?" he grinned.

Austin Powers.. The Mike Myers movie? Ew.


He raised a brow this time.

"Why 'ew'?"

"His teeth was yellow.. And filled with cavities.."

"So? He's a sex symbol, baby, yeah!" he mimicked Austin Powers.

"Awh. Shut the hell up. Now you're calling me baby?" I folded my arms.

I looked down on the table to see a blueprint.

I rolled my eyes and gave another smug look.

"You brought a blueprint?" I asked stupidly.

"It's for the damn plan, guurl! And we're spies, now, remember?" he grinned.



Stracey xoxo

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