Chapter 2

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Since moving here my family has been going to a church, and the people here are really nice. I 

made a couple friends just in the first week. We were always hanging out together and having a 

great time, even when we weren't in church. Abigail and Anya are twins who are fairly quiet 

around most people, but they come out of their shells when we are all hanging out together. 

Paige, actually goes a different church, but the four of us are always hanging out together 

outside of church. My twin brother Alex also made a couple friends at church. Chris, Andrew, and 

Alex were always hanging out together at my house, so most of the time I would hang out with 

my friends at one of their houses. Although every day was wonderful, and I had a lot of fun with 

my friends night was still agony. After a month of the night torture I started being curious if there 

was something more to the dreams than it seemed like. One day I went to the library and started 

researching memory loss. When I saw the results I just stared at the screen without a word, 

because now everything is starting to make sense. Memory loss has a lot of causes, but only one 

of them fit my situation. If someone lives through something especially traumatic the brain can 

hide those memories as a coping mechanism. A blow to the head has been know to occasionally 

re-set the brain and bring back old memories the had been blocked to protect the person.  I felt 

relieved, because that might mean that I'm not crazy. Then I remembered, that if I'm not crazy 

that would mean that I watched my parents and baby sister blow up. And, the people I thought 

were my family (although they aren't any less my family) still are my replacement family. Then I 

realized the one thing I had never considered. If it's true then I don't have a twin brother. Our 

parents worked together, so I guess maybe a family agreed to adopt us both and raise us as 

twins since he is only a day older than me. Actually, I wonder if my parents even know that my 

biological parents were blown up. I think the best thing for me to do is talk to my brother about 

this. Hopefully he doesn't freak out too much, or say that I'm insane. If it actually happened the 

memories should still be in his head, so maybe my talking about it will help him remember. "Are 

you alright deary?" an old woman walks up and asks me. "Yes ma'am, I'm fine, I guess I just got 

lost in thought. I should really get home soon, because I need to talk to my parents about 

something.". The old woman stood there for a moment as though processing what I had just said 

"Well, I would be glad to give you a lift if you need it." she states at last. "Oh, would you? That 

would be fantastic!" I exclaim excitedly. I gather up my notebook, and get in her car. Once I tell 

her where I live, she drives me right home. Once I get home I see all my friends outside of my 

house waiting for me. "Oh no! I forgot that I said I would go to the mall with you guys!" I say as I 

carefully step out of the car. "I actually have something really important that I need to talk to 

Alex about, sorry guys. You can head over to the mall and I will see if I can convince my mom to 

bring me up later.". "Okay, but it won't be as much fun without you!" Paige then turned to talk to 

the twins "Anya and Abigail my mom said that she will drive us.". I walk inside to find my mom 

watching a TV show I look around, but I don't see Alex, so I ask my mom "Mom, do you know 

where Alex is?". "He should be in his room sweetie" my mom tells me without even looking away 

from the TV show. I go past my sparkly bright pink door reminiscent from my childhood 

obsession with unicorns. Finally I get to Alex's door, which is plain wood with old road signs all 

over it. I knock, and soon I hear "Who is it?!". "It's Laura, I have something important that I need 

to talk to you about.". "Okay, come on in", so I open his door and walk in. I notice that he is 

working on his computer again (he's building it which I think is really cool, but I can't tell him 

because it is an unspoken rule that siblings never can think of each other as cool). I start with the 

beginning "I've been having dreams since I hit my head last month. They are always similar, I 

have different parents and a baby sister. You are not my brother but our parents work together. 

While our parents are working their building explodes, and the two of us barely make it out in 

time. We were around three years old, which is before our first memories. It is not normal for 

people to forget so much of their lives unless something traumatic happens that forces their 

body to hide the memories to escape the pain. After learning that I decided that it must have 

been real. I think that the head trauma might have brought back my memories. If you try really 

hard to remember it, can you remember?" I try my best not to cry when telling about my 

dreams, because of how much it hurt. Alex furrows up his brow and looks like he is trying to 

remember, suddenly he gasps. "I remember! I remember the explosion, my parents died." He 

tried to be brave, but I could see the little boy in him come out as he tried to overcome the 

emotions that had been hidden for so long. 

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