Chapter 4

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By the time Alex finally comes to, and

the tears stop dripping down my face

I know what we have to do. My voice

is hoarse from the floods of emotion,

but I manage to get out the words

"Alex, we have to know". The weight

of those words nearly set me off

again, but I keep my cool. "I had an

older sister, and a mom. My dad

would hurt us, so he wasn't around".

Alex's words cause silence to fall over

the room, as we all wait for him to

continue. I notice how pale his face is,

and I want to help, but all I can do is

grab his hand and squeeze to ground

him. I know how emotions and

memories can steal the current

moment, and it's easy to get lost.

"Mom, Dad, we need to know whether

we have any surviving birth family

members. We love you, but I know I

won't be able to handle life without

knowing. Alex, do you feel the same?"

Alex shook his head to get free from

the thoughts I'm sure are crashing

through his head. Yes, we need to

know. For some reason Alex and I

breaking the silence made our mom

even quieter and our dad look queasy.

But Alex and I already had our minds

made up. Finally das stood up "this is

the first I've heard of this, but I think

you are making a huge mistake. For

all I know you are all are crazy, and

this is made up in your brains." My

resolution fizzles, because at this

point everything feels hopeless. I feel

like there's nothing we can do. I most

definitely can not pay for a trip to

who knows where, and I know Alex

can't either. This whole thing is

seriously making me doubt my sanity.

Alex rushes to the bathroom, still pale

as a ghost.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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