Is it love or is it a rebound?

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Note: This is an OC/Jean fan fiction written in third person. I kind a wanna make this a short story and maybe if it gets enough love I will but for now this is a simple little lemon.

Disclaimer: I do not own the story, plot or characters from Attack On Titian. I do own my OC Isabel and any other minor small OC's that I may need to toss into the story.

Warning story will contain mature content and heavily sexual content which is meant for people over the age of 18 years old.

Betrayal why did it hurt so much? The man may as well have just ripped her heart out of her chest with his bare hands and killed her himself. It would have saved her the agony of having to go on. Still how could he betray her like that? Betray them all like that? Has the last three years meant nothing? The grueling training, the sweat, the tears, the laughs, the cheers? Apparently it all meant nothing to them, and to him the man she thought she loved. Isabel felt like a hollow shell of herself as she pushed on with the days.

It had been a shock to more than just her to learn of Annie, Bertolt and Reiner's betrayal. She thought they were her friends? Well maybe not Annie but Bertolt and Reiner had been her friends, she had grown close to them. She thought Reiner was the light of day. She had truly loved the man but apparently it was all a ploy he used her to simple toss her aside after. The nights they had spent together, she could still feel his body against her any time she closed her eyes. The young woman's eyes were lifeless as she made her way down to the mess hall for breakfast. She wasn't even hungry but Historia and Mikasa had forcibly dragged her from her room after she had been MIA for three full days.

Her beautiful green eyes were dull and puffy with the amount of time she had spent crying. The bath she had helped calm her down a little but still she looked like shit as she dragged her feet through the barracks. Her two friends were chatting softly but she may as well have had her head stuck under water as it was a struggle to hear them as she walked. She struggled to keep her mind from wanting to wander the past. Like how she fell in love with the man who destroyed her heart.

It started at the beginning of training three years ago. They were practicing their ODM gear out in a forest area where they often trained and fought against fake titan's working to hone their skills. It had been a nice sunny day. The brunette was flying through the sky with her classmates as they trained. Suddenly for some unknown reason when her fingers clicked to shoot out grappling hooks the gear malfunctioned. She had found herself plummeting towards the ground. And for a second she thought she was about to die, or end up incredibly hurt as she had been meters up in the air. Suddenly she felt a strong hand grab her right arm. A yell for Bertolt filled her ears before a second set of hands grabbed her left arm. Reiner and Bertolt had been able to grab her before she fell and they were able to swing with her to a nearby tree branch. And from there Reiner carried her down to the ground. And from there a love had bloomed, or so Isabel had thought that it was love. And yet here she was still struggling to hold back her tears as she followed her friends and comrades into the mess hall.

The room seemed to grow dead silent the second the trio walked into the room. The scouts had turned to watch the young girl walk in. Usually she would have barked at them to find some other form of entertainment than herself. But she honestly didn't have the strength to fight with any of them in the moment. More so she couldn't bring herself to look at any of them and the look of pity they had. Well most had. She could feel some glaring at her. It was no secret her and Reiner had been sleeping together before his betrayal. And some people believed she had been in on it, still was even as she grieved.

Historia grabbed a bowl of porridge and offered it to Isabel. She took the bowl with a nod of her head, some of her unkempt brown locks fell down around her face with the action but she didn't push them away. With a bowl in each girl's hands the three turned to take a seat at their usual table. Everyone else was already there and eating their breakfast. Eren sat there waiting for their friends, across from him was Connie and Sasha sitting side by side with a gap and then Armin sat a bit away from them. Down the table a few seats from Eren sat Jean. Historia took a seat beside Sasha, Mikasa sat beside Eren and Isabel found herself between Mikasa and Jean.

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