Chapter 27

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Aaron stirred lightly in his bed, reaching out expecting to find Leila, only to find a cold empty spot next to him. He rolled onto his back stretching, the sunlight pouring through the windows. He sat up and got out of bed to start the day. As he was brushing his teeth, he heard a huge crash in the kitchen. Quickly finishing up, he rushed downstairs, the sight he walked in on was so far from what he expected. There were bowls and flour everywhere, he could smell coffee and he finally spotted Leila sat on the floor with his button-down scrunched in her lap. He watched her staring intently as she made little movements in front of her.

"Sweet baby, what on god's green earth are you doing," He asked his voice still slightly scratchy from sleep. Leila jumped startled by his sudden presence.

"Fuck, you scared me!" She said her hand over her heart, as she twisted her body to look at him, letting out a heavy exhale as her heart slowed down again. Aaron crossed the kitchen to crouch in front of her.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I- I couldn't sleep because I was nervous about meeting Jack so I thought I would just come down and bake, I made some more biscuits, and also monkey bread... I also prepped some pizza dough and homemade sauce in case he wants pizza or something, and you mentioned he liked ice cream but I didn't know which flavors he liked so I went for vanilla, chocolate, and mint chocolate chip because all kids like chocolate right?" Leila finally took an inhale, searching Aaron's eye for some kind of reaction.

"How long have you been awake? You didn't have to do all this, sweet girl..." he asked earnestly, simultaneously trying to soothe her.

"OH! And I made waffle batter because I love waffles and like who doesn't like waffles. And I fixed the buttons on your shirt." Aaron looked at her astounded, his mouth slightly agape at her words. "I just couldn't sleep..." she looked down, avoiding his gaze slightly embarrassed. Aaron leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Leila tried to restart her movements to finish sewing his buttons back on, but he grabbed her hands softly stilling her movement.

"Jack is going to love you... I know it." He whispered sitting on his knees in front of her.

"But what if he doesn't. What if he hates me?" Leila whispered out her voice barely audible.

"He won't!"

"But what if he does Aaron, what if..." she looked up at him their gaze locked as she searched his eyes "I wouldn't dream of ever making you choose, but I don't think I could lose you..."

"Well..." he cupped her cheeks lightly, "It's a good thing we won't have to worry about that then because he is going to love you. Jack doesn't have it in him to hate anyone." Aaron said sweetly trying to soothe Leila. She leaned into Aaron's touch, letting it comfort her, she let out a deep shaky breath.

"I'm just so nervous... it's like a lot of pressure. I just don't want to mess it up."

"You won't sweet baby, how can anyone not love you! You are so caring and considerate, you go out of your way to help the people you care about. What in the world could people not like about you?" Aaron said sweetly, Leila let out a light laugh.

"So much bubba, there's so much.."

"Like what?" Aaron demanded, getting slightly upset.

"It doesn't matter, you're right... It's going to be fine... it will be! It has to be! It will be fine right?" Leila finding the confidence in her voice, searching Aaron's eyes earnestly.

"I promise baby... I cross my heart." He placed a soft kiss on his fingertips before tracing a small x over Leila's heart. She leaned forward to place a soft sweet kiss on his lips. The kiss wasn't just filled with their usual passion but an amount of tenderness and sincerity that usually would have sent Leila running, but for some reason, she didn't. She looked back down at the button down in her hands and finished tying the knot she was making and snapped the thread off with her teeth. "Here. Your shirt is fixed... How about I clean up this mess I made? Do you want some coffee?"

A Sunday Kind of Love (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora