Chapter 7

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Smut warning


Leila sipped on her second coffee, only ice cubes left clinking softly in the glass as she stirred nothing with the straw. Aaron sat across from her, awaiting an answer. She sat there a moment.

"Well?" he asked gently.

"Hold on a minute. I need to let my thoughts finish cooking. I don't want to say the wrong thing." She responded. They had talked everything out; Aaron had really opened up to her. Explaining the whole situation with Beth and what happened. Leila told her side of how people had used her like that in the past and it was never a good feeling. They both understood where the other was coming from. Aaron has even opened up to Leila about his son Jack, and his ex-wife Haley's passing. He spent 15 minutes telling her everything about Jack, Leila loved kids and seeing Aaron so happy talking about his son made her heart skip a beat. Leila sat there watching the usually stern man melt in front of her, completely opening up to her, little did she know how rare what she was witnessing truly was. She wished she could do the same, but every time she was tempted to start the memories came flashing back. How many people had she chased away? How many people had run away from her because of her past? She just couldn't bring herself to open up, hiding behind the biggest smile she could muster. As Aaron finished his second coffee. He questioned her about her childhood, she deflected as much as she could telling him the bare minimum to satisfy his curiosity. She told him how she moved around a lot, living in various areas of Ireland, Tuscany, London, Paris, Chicago, and now in New York City, she told him about her younger sister completely steering her away from the topic of her parents, and it worked. He looked at her enamored with the girl in front of him, she was so young but was wise beyond her years. Their eyes locked the tension between them spiking. Leila moved her foot under the table to move along Aarons's leg, as she nonchalantly kept talking about her favorite play Cyrano De Bergerac. She heard Aaron gasp lightly as she continued teasing him. She knew that this was going to escalate quickly, her disdain for PDA overtook her desire to lean across the table and grab Aaron. She quickly stood up and stuck out her hand, Aaron looked at her confused. She leaned down to whisper in his ear trailing her finger along his jaw and down his neck.

"If you don't get up from this table now, I'm going to have to find someone else to fuck me into next Tuesday." Aaron blinked up at her and grabbed her hand the pair of them speed walking out of the café, saying a quick thank you to the baristas. They continued their speedy journey back to the hotel. They were less than a block away, Aaron was unable to stop himself as he pulled Leila into a side street grabbing her waist, and pushed her against the side of a building. His dark eyes filled with lust; her eyes locked on his as he said

"Baby. I know what you were doing back at the coffee shop. Teasing me... I thought you were a good girl." His nose lightly trailing her jawline, she let out a soft whine.

"I wasn't doing anything, sir..." Her eyes and voice full of mischief, she looked up at him feigning innocence. Her lips parted slightly to continue, as Aaron crashed his lips onto her. It felt like his hands were everywhere. They moaned into each other's mouths. Leila pushed him away lightly,

"I hate straight PDA," she said to him softly.

"Straight PDA?"

"That kind of PDA that straight couples do and that gay couples would get berated for" she responded. She realized how vague she had been with the genders of her ex's through their conversation earlier and tensed slightly waiting for a response.

"That's fair, I guess. I never thought about it that way." Aaron responded lightly, feeling her tense and not wanting to make a big deal out of her sexuality.

A Sunday Kind of Love (Aaron Hotchner x OC)Where stories live. Discover now