How They Confess Their Feelings

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Meredith Grey: I was at a bar with Meredith, Cristina. I was sitting at a table talking to Cristina when Meredith walked up to us and turned to me and said "Hey Y/N can I talk to you?" I nodded and said "Sure." She smiled and grabbed my hand and pulled me up then pulled me out of the bar. When we got out of the bar I turned to her and said "What did you want to talk about?" She looked down at the ground nervously and said "I like you Y/N as more than a friend." I walked so I was standing in front of her and put my hand on her cheek getting her to look at me. When she looked at me I said "I like you too Meredith." She smiled and said "You do?" I nodded and said "Yeah."

Addison Montgomery: I was at a nurses station filling out a patient chart for one of Addison's patients when Addison walked up to me and put a cup of coffee in front of me. I looked up at her and smiled and said "Thanks." She smiled at me and said "You're welcome." I looked down at the coffee cup and saw writing on the lid. I looked at the writing and saw that it said 'Will you go on a date with me?' It was written in Addison's hand writing so I turned to Addison and she was looking at her hands nervously. I grabbed her hand which made her look at me. I smiled at her and she said "So will you?" I nodded and said "Yes."

Callie Torres: Callie asked me to pick Sofia up from the daycare at the hospital because she had to work late and didn't want Sofia to stay in the daycare for a long time. When I got to the daycare in the hospital I saw Callie standing out side the daycare holding Sofia. I walked up to her and smiled at her and she smiled and said "Hey Y/N. Thank you for doing this." I smiled and said "You're welcome. I had nothing else to do anyways and Parker is at a friends house so now I have someone to hang out with. Even if she is a baby." She laughed and said "Well she's excited to hang out with you." I smiled and she handed me the baby and a diaper bag and the keys to her apartment and I said "Well have a fun night of work. I'll take Sofia home and feed her and maybe well watch a movie." She smiled and said "Well have fun. If you need anything call me or page me. I love you Sofia and I love you Y/N." I looked at her shocked and her eyes widened as she realized what she said. I went to say something, but before I could Callie said "I didn't mean that. I mean I did but I didn't mean to tell you right now. I understand if you change your mind about wanting to watch Sofia." When she stopped rambling I put my hand on her cheek getting her to look at me and I kissed her. When I pulled away I said "I love you too. Now I'm gonna take Sofia home and you're gonna go work so goodbye." She smiled and said "Goodbye."

Arizona Robbins: I was sitting with the other interns eating lunch when I got a page from Arizona. I got up from the table and made my way out of the cafeteria and towards the elevator to head up to the peds floor. When I got up to the peds floor I saw Arizona at the nurses station so I walked up to her and said "You paged." She looked up at me and said "Um yeah I need to tell you something." I smiled and said "Well what is it?" She grabbed my hand and said "Not here it's to public." I nodded and she dragged me to a on call room. When we got into the on call room Arizona turned to face me and kissed me. I was shocked at first but kissed back because I like her. When I pulled away from the kiss I said "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" She smiled and said "Well I like you like a lot." I smiled and said "I like you too."

Amelia Shepherd: I was sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch when Amelia walked to the table I was sitting at and sat down. I smiled up at her when she sat down and said "Hey Amelia." She smiled and said "Hey Y/N. Can I tell you something?" I nodded and said "You can tell me anything." She looked own at her hands and said "I like you as more than just a friend. I want you to be mine." I blushed and said "Well I want to be yours." She looked up at me and bit her lip and said "Do you really mean that."

Cristina Yang: I was sitting at a table with Meredith when Cristina walked up to us and sat down next to me. I smiled at her and she smiled then looked down at her hands. I turned so I was facing her completely and whispered "What's wrong?" She looked up at me and said "Nothing's wrong. Why you you thin something's wrong?" I smiled and said "Every time you come and sit down by me you say 'Hey Y/N what's up?' and you didn't do that today. So I'm gonna ask again what's wrong?" She looked back down at her hands nervously and I grabbed one of her hands and said "You can tell me anything." She looked at me and kissed me. I gasped and she pulled away and I said "Wow I wasn't expecting that." She looked at me and said "Oh my god I'm sorry. It's just..." I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand and said "Just because I wasn't expecting it doesn't mean I didn't like it."

Izzie Stevens: I was standing at a nurses station updating a patient chart when Izzie walked up to me and said "Hey Y/N I need to tell you something." I smiled at her and said "Okay what is it?" She smiled and said "I like you Y/N as more than a friend. I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I wanted you to know." I looked at her and smiled and said "I like you too."

Jo Wilson: I had just finished a surgery with Jo and as we walked out of the O.R. Jo turned to me and said "You know Y/N you are amazing. I think I love you." I stopped walking and looked at her and said "You what?" She turned to me and said "I think I love you I wasn't going to tell you like this it just sort of came out of my mouth. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone." She went to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist and made her turn around. When she turned around I put my hand on her cheek and leaned up kissing her. She pulled away from the kiss after a minute and I smiled and said "I like you too I just wanted to make sure I had heard you right." She smiled and kissed me again.

Lexi Grey: I was hanging out with Meredith at her house. I was sitting in the living room and Meredith was in the kitchen getting drinks. I was looking at my phone until Lexi walked into the room and said "Oh Y/N I didn't know you were here." I smiled at her and said "I've been here for 2 hours." She laughed and said "Well that's great. There's actually something I wanted to tell you." I looked at her and said "What is it Lexi?" She walked over to the couch and sat next to me and said "I like you Y/N as more than a friend." I smiled and said "I like you too Lexi." She went to say something else, but Meredith walked in form the kitchen and said "Oh hey Lexi. Are you gonna join us for a movie?" She looked between me and Meredith and said "Yeah." I smiled and she moved closer to me so Meredith could sit on the couch.

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