Carina DeLuca Catch-Up

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How You Met: I was walking to check on a patient who was brought in with persistant chest and stomach pains and vomiting. As I was walking I saw Andrew DeLuca and walked up to her and said "Hey Andrew want to help me with a patient. If she needs surgery you can scrub in." He nodded and said "Of course I do." I smiled and said "Great come on." As we were walking he said "Tell me about the patient." I looked at him and said "She's a 16 year old girl who was amitted with persistant stomach and chest pains aswell as vomiting. She has also mentioned back pain." He nodded and said "Do you have any idea of what is wrong with her?" I shook my head and said "Not yet. I want to do a couple test and do a ultrasound." We walked into the patients room and I said "Hey Ella I hope you remember me and this is Dr. Deluca." Ella smiled and said "I do remeber you and it's nice to meet you Dr.Deluca." Andrew looked at her and said "Nice to meet you too." I looked at Ella and said "I'm gonna do a ultrasound okay. Which means I'm gonna put this really cold gel on your stomach and use a machine to look inside your stomach. So can you pull your shirt up a little?" She nodded and pulled her shirt up and I grabbed the ultrasound gel and said "This is going to be really cold." She nodded and I squeezed some of the gel on her stomach and grabbed the wand and moved it around on her stomach. I looked at the ultrasound monitor and moved the wand around until I saw something. I waved Andrew over and pointed it out to him and whispered "Is that what I think it is?" He shrugged and said "I don't know how long has the pain been going on?' I looked at Ella and said "Ella tell me again how long has this pain been going on?" She looked at me and said "I don't know a month maybe two." I nodded and said "Has anything big happened with in those two months." She looked away from me and said "No." I looked at Andrew and said "We're gonna need to page OB. Do you know who is on call." He looked at me and said "I don't know who is on call, but I do know a very good OB." I nodded and said "I don't care who you get just get someone." He nodded and walked out of the room. When he left I sat on the bed near Ella and said "I really need you to tell me if something happened." She looked at me and said "Um I had sex with my boyfriend two weeks before the pain and vomiting started." I nodded and said "Okay." We sat the just talking back and forth until Andrew walked back into the room with a very hot brunette. I stood up and Andrew said "Dr. Y/L/N this is my sister Carina. She's here to conduct a study, but she's a very good OB so I got her." I smiled and said "It's nice to meet you. I need you to look at something." She nodded and said "Of course Dr.Y/L/N." I smiled at her accent and said "You can call me Y/N." She nodded and walked over to me. I looked at Ella and said "We're gonna put more gel on your stomach. It won't feel as cold this time okay?" She nodded and I put the gel on her stomach then grabbed the wand and put it on the same spot as before then pointed it out to Carina. Carina looked at me and whispered "Is she sexually active?" I nodded and said "She said she had sex with her boyfriend two weeks before the pain started and she said the pain started maybe two months ago." She nodded and said "Then she's denfinetly pregnant." I sighed and said "I was hoping I was just seeing things. Anyways will you help me tell her parents." She nodded and said "Okay." I looked at Ella and said "Hey are your parents here with you?" She nodded and said "Yeah they just went to the cafeteria to get food and something to drink." I nodded and walked over to Andrew and said "Can you go find her parents she said they went to the cafeteria? Also she doesn't need surgery, but I do have another patient who needs surgery and if you prep him you can scrub in." He nodded and said "Okay." I smiled at him and he left the room.

She Realizes She Likes You As More Than A Friend: Me and Andrea were standing near a nurses station talking. I felt someone bump into me and turned and saw Y/N. She looked at me and said "Oh shit Carina I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I smiled and said "It's okay Y/N." She nodded and just kind of started at me for a while until Andrea nudged her. She looked at him then back to me and said "I'm gonna go now before I do something to embarrass myself." I laughed and she turned around and pratically ran the other way. I smiled and watched her leave until I turned back to Andrea and we started talking again.

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