chapter 1

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I wake up shaking as I get out of bed. I go down the steps and start unpacking. I just have to tell myself I'm not there anymore and those people can’t hurt me. Tomorro is my first day of coloage. I'm going to get a degree in psychology. As I start to unpack something gold and shiny ceeches the light and shines in my eye. I pick it up and put it around my neck.  As I look at the little star neckless I can’t help but miss my sister. 

I can’t help but rember hearing her say “ if i'm the moon then your my star.'' That was the last thing she said to me befor she coffed up petals for the last time.   The loss of a daughter impackd my mother and father badly and it turned from missing her to hating me. My sister was 13. Her first love ended killing her. She refued to admit she loved the person and she deied. A part of me wondered for the longest time why she coulndn’t just tell them, but when she finally did she came home with a bruise on her cheek and was coffing flowers for the first time. Luna fell for someone she called the sun since they were exact opposites. When i asked her why she could’t tell me she would just laugh a little and say “ she’s the sun  and i'm the moon. She isn’t from the night and I'll die in the sunlight.” 

I promised myslef i'll never fall in love for love took my bestfriend away from me and the only true person who uderstan’s me. No love means i'll live and no love means no hurting. I moved the blindes to reveal the raes of the moon glimering on the window.   “there you are sis, I missed you too.”   I can still feel her looking over me during the night. She was the perfect one but she had one “flaw” she fell for a girl who is linerer and she was not. 

I didn’t want anything to do with love after it took my sister away from me. I have been content with reading and drawing for a while and for the friends I lack I make up with confort charters from my faviort show. Ive always been different from then. These stupid freekels and bright green eyes. So not alot of girls liked me. I had a few friends growing up, but they were all boys and they saw me as a boy.  I devoted myself to school and my books so I didn’t need anything else. Ive never even been asked out and that's for the best for me and for them. I'll only end up breaking their heart.  As the sun starts to rise I close my eyes. “ goodbye luna i'll tell you about my day tonight when i see you again.” I sleep for an hour till I wake up to the beeping of an obnoces alarm clock.   I change from my pjamas to a paire of sweatpants and a grafic tee as I walk down the hall of my shared apartment to the kitchen to make food befor my roommate gets here. I wonder what her name is. She is 20 like me so she is the same year as me but how does she act? Will she like me? She might think i'm annoying. What if I accidentally wake her up or if she thinks i'm crazy. Crazy ha says the person who's talking to herself and who talks to the moon. Okay i need to stop thinking so much or i will be crazy. 

She should be here any minute so i'm just goona leave her door open so she knows it’s her and i'll make food. I realy need to start rembering to eat. I was studing from 3 in the afternoon till 11 at night and I guess I never took a break for food. For music yes but of food no. I decided on not cooking but to go and pick up some food from one of the venders befor my roommate get’s here. Why isn’t she here yet? It's already 1 in the afternoon.   

With that thought I leave and lock the door. I come back an hour later to a girl in the hall way sitting right at my door to the apartment. It looks like she’s asleep. 

I go and shake her lightly on the shoulder and ask her if she needs anything. When she says she’s locked out of her apartment and her key is packed in one of her boxes. I was scepical at first but then saw the icion for my colleague and let her in. 

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