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FAYE sat by the rushing brook, watching the water move between her toes. She giggled whenever it would tickle, enjoying the feeling of nature's blessing. 

"Faye? My butterfly?" 

Fayer heard someone calling her name in the distance, just realizing that the sun was slowly setting and she was being called in for the night. 

"I'm here, mother!" Her mother, Celine, was very anxious about Faye. Faye had always tended to keep to herself but her mother never liked to let her be alone for long hours. 

"What are you doing?" Celine stood over top of Faye. 

"Look, Mother! It tickles!" She giggled again and the cool water rushed between her toes. 

"My love," her mother sighed. "It's getting cooler out. I'm afraid if you stay playing in the water any longer you'll catch a cold. Now let's go, it's time to bathe and lay your head to rest." 

She nodded and eagerly followed her mother out of the small forest behind their quaint little house, following her mother inside where it was much warmer. 

"Now, up you go. And don't forget to wash in between your toes, I don't want you tracking in any slugs." 

Faye giggled. "Mom! There are no slugs, see?" She lifted a damp foot for her mother to see. Her mother only pretended to plug her nose as Faye's laughter intensified. 

She slowly made her way up to her bathroom, turning on the tub and sneakily filling it with a lot of bubble bath. Normally her mother would only allow her to put a little bit in but she was busy at the moment and Faye was eager. 

Once the tub had filled with way more bubbles than needed, Faye stripped over her clothes and sunk in. She swirled her finger around in the water, watching the bubbles and sparkles move in the water. 

She sighed and leaned back, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth of the water. 



The loud voice shook the room, causing cracks to form in the stone pillars lining the sides. 

"If you just calm down I can-," 

"CALM DOWN?" Deimos was enraged. His voice sent fear through all of the other demons, making each bow their head and tuck their tails in. 

"You tell me I have a mate that you have hidden from me and then to calm down?" Deimos growled deeply, stalking toward the man on the throne. 

"You must understand, Deimos, I did it for your sake. For her, sake. You weren't ready," Lucifer put his hands up. 

"You cannot decide my state. YOU CANNOT!" 

Lucifer stood up. "She wasn't ready yet. You are not the only one in this arrangement." 

Deimos calmed down, knowing that he was right. 

He had a mate. 

Someone who he was to be paired with for life. 

His omega. 

"In three days, you will head to Earth to find her and begin the process of bonding. If she goes much longer without a mate she will suffer dangerous consequences including many medical issues." 

For the first time in his life, Deimos was panicked. 

She could die?

"Send me down now. I need to get to her." 

Lucifer shook his head. "You know I cannot," Deimos began to growl in warning again. "You must wait until the next full moon! It is the only way I can send you there, it is our promise to the Moon Goddess." 

Deimos scoffed, he couldn't care less about the Moon Goddess. 

"Fine," he huffed. "Due to your stupid agreement with the Moon Goddess, I will heed your call and wait. But no more than three days do I expect to be with my mate. If I am not, I will rip you apart and paint Hell red with your blood, killing all those who dare support your ruling." 

Lucifer gulped, knowing that he would keep his promise if he didn't send him down. 

In all truthfulness, something Lucifer was seriously lacking, he was only afraid of one man in his life. Not God, not any other Angel or Savior. 

Deimos Deville. 

He was dangerous, powerful, and deadly. 



He worried, wondering if sending Deimos to find his mate would be safe. But he knew Deimos wanted to be with her, not to harm her, but to protect her. 

"Three days," Deimos growled. "It will begin in three days." 


CELINE rubbed her fingers against her temple, huffing in frustration. 

She knew her daughter had a mate. 

She knew from when she was a child, sitting out in the garden and watching the birds. Her daughter was an omega. 

Her only fear was who is her mate. Even though Faye had passed the age of requirement for mating to be official, no man has shown up since. 

"Maybe it's a fluke," she whispered to herself. "Maybe she truly doesn't have a mate and I was all wrong." But she knew that wasn't right. There's no way that she didn't have a mate. In fact, her mate was predestined, before her birth, before his. 

At least she assumed it was a man, she hasn't talked to Faye about her sexual preferences but she seemed to favor men. Not that she's ever been in any type of relationship. 

"She's too young, she's too young," Celine whispered to herself, pacing the floor back and forth. But she knew that was also wrong. 

Faye had passed the age of requirement. 

She was ready. 

Well, ready in the Alpha/Omega terms, but her mother was unsure Faye was truly ready. Mentally ready, emotionally ready, physically ready-

"No," she whispered. "Don't think about that." 

She didn't want to think of the possibility of her little girl being sexual with another, mating with another. Although it wasn't taboo and was expected of those relationships, she still wasn't sure. 

Suddenly, a sinking feeling was felt in her chest. Her heart began to beat rapidly and she had to sit down. She held a hand to her chest, her breath becoming cool. Being the mate of the mother, she could feel it too. 

She could feel him too. 

He was coming for her. 

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