~Doll~ Bill Cipher X Reader

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Warnings: Bill being Bill. Sexual themes. Cussing. Lingerie.

          When Bill took you to the Dreamscape to spend eternity with him, you couldn't have been happier. Other people drove you insane, and this hadn't become overly apparent until Bill crashed into your life like a speeding train. Nothing could separate the two of you, and being with him made you realize just how well you could handle only seeing Bill for months at a time. He was interesting to say the least, and you know that you'd never be bored with him. Of course, you still hopped over to Gravity Falls to visit the family, and by family I mean your co-workers at the shack, but you were content to spend the vast expanse of time with your lover.

          Never would you ever become accustomed or adapt to a routine in Bill's dimension. There was an amazing amount of cool shit to see in the Dreamscape, and Bill always kept the both of you entertained quite nicely~

          It wasn't until about a year into your stay with Bill that he pulled the least intricate, yet most shocking of tricks.

          It wasn't until about a year into your stay with Bill that you found out that he liked to see you in more...revealing clothing.

          Slowly, piece by piece, your wardrobe would begin to vanish, only to be replaced with lacy underwear, bras that were made to push things up instead of holding them steady, and dresses that flowed elegantly down the back like the tail feathers of a peacock, but rose in an inverted U-cut at the front to reveal the stockings and leather straps that adorned your legs as part of the underwear set that came with the dress.

          And no matter what, these sets of lingerie were all yellow and black. Black and yellow.

          Eventually, you had no choice but to wear one of the dresses that you're sure that Bill had been leaving you instead of dodging them and wearing what other clothing you had left, even if the colour co-ordination was atrocious. The first day you emerged from your room with that form-fitting, yellow dress laced with intricate frilled black fabric, you had looked both ways twice, thrice, before slinking through the corridors, hoping that you'd be able to elude Bill completely while you grabbed your breakfast.

          If you had truly thought you would have been able to pull that off, you were horribly mistaken, because about halfway through your endeavour, you heard the sharp noise of a cat-call from just behind you down the hall. You had been peeking around the corner of a corridor, and you had been bent over to keep low in case anyone had happened to be there. Unfortunately, Bill, who turned out to be just behind you, had gotten a rather good view of your derrière, and the frilly black fabric lined your ass perfectly.

          "What'cha doing, Kitten?" inquired the tall, lanky figure of your lover after you whipped around, trying your best to cover yourself with your arms.

          You looked desperately through your mind for something to say, but you could only stutter as you slinked further down the hallway and around the corner you had been peeking around beforehand.

          "Come on now, Dollface! I've been waiting so long for you to try on some of the clothing I've given you," said Bill with a teasing tone. You could only shake your head nervously. "Come out, Y/N. I've been far too patient for far too long."

          With reluctance that could only be matched by that of a small mouse stepping into a room full of cats, you slid around the corner, looking away the whole time.

          There was a poignant silence, and through your embarrassment, you drove your eyes shut, and after about ten seconds, you were about to cry. He didn't like how you looked in it, did he? The only thing worse than presenting yourself to your lover, full of insecurity and doubt, was presenting yourself to your lover who didn't like how you looked.

          However, this was not the case with you and Bill.

          Saving you from tears, he was on your knees, running his gloved hands up your bare legs in the blink of an eye. He almost caused you to topple over as he embraced your legs, nuzzling his head into your thighs. He loved it.

          What came next was a blur, but it was a day full of worship worthy for a god, from a god. Demon, technically, but to you, he was a god, and you were his goddess.

          Needless to say, after you started wearing your lingerie around more often, Bill's libido took a noticeable upward incline. Even if you were insecure about your body, skinny, chubby, or in between, he'd absolutely worship you, and then ravish you shortly afterward.

          His favourite pet name to call you was "Doll," and you loved it. Before you met Bill, you'd have hated to have been called "Doll," because you thought it sounded sleazy and weird, but your spouse put a ring and meaning to it, so you didn't mind. After you started wearing your lingerie, Bill would call you by this name a lot more because you were his little doll to dress, and to undress~

          He'd say the most wonderful things to you after you were done your nightly activities.

          "Sweetheart, you make my world complete. I'd be nothing without you. All of the stars and planets in the cosmos. I'd give them all up just for you. I'd create universes, and I'd protect and love you even if it killed me. I love you, Doll. Never forget that. Please never forget that," he'd say into your hair as he pulled you into his bare chest, dimming the lights in the room only with his mind, and holding you tightly all through the night.


          It was when he put a pair of fuzzy cuffs in your drawer that you were really in for a surprise~

Note...please read.............please?
Okay. So this is literally 1007 words. I wrote this in under an hour, and I was wondering if maybe you guys could leave some comments telling me whether you'd rather wait a long time for me to push my lazy ass to finish a 5000 word chapter, or if I should start making these shorter chapters a regular thing. It would happen once or twice a month, and I think I'll be able to do more now that I've gone through my calculus class. (Only made it through with a 76.5%. I know you didn't ask. No one ever asks.)
Good night. Dream of lingerie and a daddy-dream demon.

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