O2: Fear

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Chara cracked her knuckles in anger.


"Aah~ Look what we have here.. =)"

Dust was making breakfast with Frisk while Papyrus watched in enthusiasm. "I have an idea... =)"

Meanwhile, the two were just making sandwiches, fried eggs and some spaghetti for Papyrus for breakfast. Unaware of Chara's presence, the three couldn't bother since they thought she was "gone" for good and that the three were safe now once and for all... but they were wrong, extremely wrong. Chara already plotted her scheme while watching them in anger, envy and resentment. "What a shame that these people are idiots, otherwise I would've already been "gone"... but since they are idiots, it's a thing to be glad about..." she thought. "Heheheheh... you'll get what's coming for you, you traitor~ =)"

"Hey, uhm... Dust..?" Frisk asked. "Sure kiddo, ask away," he responded. "Is it just me, or... that I'm seeing Chara appear sometimes..?" she asked, worried and concerned. "It's still my fault, isn't it? If I stopped doing this already and told you about her and the Player, this wouldn't have happened... I stirred this up. Now she's gonna haunt us for eternity... It's all my fault. I was so naive.."

"Hey, don't say that, kid," he said. "Sometimes you don't always blame yourself, you at least acknowledged what you did and began to change. I don't feel any animosity towards you. I understand why you did those things now... no, I understand why you were so afraid now. Me and Papyrus's got your back, 'kay..? It'll be hard, but.. trust me. I'll try my best to keep Chara away if she returns." Papyrus smiled in enthusiasm while nodding in agreement with his brother. "Thank you so much, Pap, Sans," she responded with tears seeping out of the corners of her eyes.

"I promise that I won't let Chara hurt anyone, Frisk."

After breakfast, Dust yawned. "Alas, I'm gonna go to bed again, you can talk with Pap instead," he said while shrugging with a grin. "Saaaans. You're so lazy! Don't make me use the pathetic solution!" he yelled at his brother. "Nah... I'm feelin' kind of ch-ill today."

"...SAAAANS!!!!!" he yelled angrily while Frisk laughed. "Chill out Papyrus, he might really be sick. Might as well call Tori... wait... nevermind, she's dead, I almost forgot. Might as well try to scavenge for stuff to help him make some... medicine for what he's diagnosed with, I suppose? Right, Dust?" she asked. "Right," he said while grinning at his brother who now groaned in defeat. "Fine, but the great Papyrus will be in charge of finding those ingredients!!" he said in excitement. "I will tell you what we need and we can go get them together, but I want to do most of the work, nyeh-heh-heh!"

Frisk laughed, putting her hand over her mouth. "Yeah, totally, Pap. Anyways, Dust, what's the problem you have?"

"Hmm, I've been feeling nauseous and dizzy after coming up here," he said, scratching at the back of his skull. "Oh, alright, got it! You go back to sleep, me and Papy will do the rest!" she promised. "Heh, you're still that one determined kid, huh," he said, laughing while she smiled and grinned. "See you later, Dust!"

"Brother, no ketchup-"

Before Pap could finish, Frisk shut the door behind them and went out.

"Heh, is it just me or is the atmosphere... unsettling here...?" He told himself with a little bit of fear in his voice. "Feels like someone is watching me... weird. It's probably just me, I need to get some sleep..." He went upstairs, locked the door and jumped onto the bed. The three were able to rent a loft apartment with a bunk bed, so here they are I guess.

"I'm back, skelly~ =)"

He shot up, looking around. This doesn't seem right to him... not at all, not a tad bit. "Chara? 's that you?" he asked as he got up, summoning multiple gaster blasters at a mirror near him with a dark expression along with his grin that looked more threatening than before. "I don't want 'ta hurt you, bud... come out here and get the hell away from us."

She revealed herself, giggling maniacally.

"You. Get away from us, and nobody gets hurt..." Dust threatened, making her giggle in laughter and enjoyment. "Really, Sans?! After all those years, you're still one of a foolish, hopeless and cowardly comedian!" she exclaimed. "It's also so comedic of you to think that if I were to come back, I would take over and possess Frisk again." Dust paused for some seconds. "Isn't that what you're going to do?" he asked.

"Hahahahahahah~ regardless, you're going to regret what you did and you WILL pay for what you've done to me!" she exclaimed devillishly.

Suddenly, Dust saw Chara charging at him as he was suddenly knocked back by thin air. He felt dizzy and passed out. When he woke up, he was seemingly in a dark void...

This was it... his biggest fear.

She's possessed him this time.

To be continued...

To Forgive | Dusttale Fanmade post pacifist aftermath [Dust!Sans X Dust!Frisk]Where stories live. Discover now