Chapter Seven

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Angry would be an understatement to what my father felt after Edith's father dropped me off at home. Chrissie immediately called my father when she realized that I was not home. Why did she have to choose today to actually notice that I was not home? Usually we would mutually avoid each other. She told my father that she tried to call me and that I did not answer. He called me and I did not answer. My father called a few of his friends at the Police station to look for me. By the time Edith's father dropped me off at home, my father was already at home waiting for the Police to bring me back. There was a Police cruiser out front. He left his important business deal because he was looking for me. A deal he would probably end up getting whether or not I went out tonight.

The second he saw me he told his Police friend to leave and call off the search. He thanked Mister Cyres rather rudely for bringing me home. I doubt they would want to invite me over again.

I could feel the war starting to rage within me as I saw everyone leave until I was alone with my father.

Chrissie stood at the top of the stairs and it looked like she could not hide her excitement. I could never understand why my sister hated me so much. I might not have been the best brother in the world, but still she had to feel something other than joy at seeing how my father treated me.

"What were you thinking?"

"That for the first time in months I actually wanted to have some fun."

"Have some fun? Enjoy yourself? You do not have time for that. It is a waste. You are behind with your studies. We both know what your idea of fun is in anyway. How much did you drink?"

"What? Seriously? I did not drink anything dad. I just went to go eat dinner at a friend's house. Not that you will believe me."

I spoke the last words softly. My father was still determined to believe that I was a failure and a troublemaker.

"That is it! Enough is enough! If you will not listen then I will just have to make sure that you listen! You deliberately disobeyed me tonight Harper." My father got this strange expression on his face and he remained dead quiet.

I waited anxiously to see if he would hit me, but he did not. Instead he left the room and I went to my room. At least my room was not on the top floor and I had a connecting bathroom.

I struggled to lift myself onto the bed after I took off my shoes and my jeans. I lay in my boxers and looked at my legs. They looked small compared to the rest of me. They were skinnier and they had bruises running alongside them from falling during the training.

I lay in my bed a few minutes. It was so quiet I swear I would be able to hear a needle drop. It was strange that the house was so quiet. It was a rare and beautiful thing. I wonder what my father was planning. There was no way that he was going to let it go. He had to call the Police. I could tell by his expression that he was furious with me.

The silence was probably not going to last long, in about an hour my mother would come home.

If I think about it, today was one of those really rare good days in my life. I have not had so much fun as I did tonight in a really long time. It was more than worth it to make my father angry.

My phone vibrated on the desk next to my bed. I reached out and took it. The second I looked at who was calling I smiled. It was Edith.

"Hi Edith"

"Hi Harper. Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"Yes. Why would I not be?"

"Okay. And things did not get too complicated?" Her voice sounded like she was really worried. In some way or other it actually felt good that someone actually cared enough about me to be worried. Not one of my former friends have tried to message me or call me. Even Brian. He must know what it is like to be trapped in the house with my father.

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