fifteen | whispered goodbyes

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updating back-to-back in honour of 200 followers. ily all so much and i cant really believe how many of u enjoy this, and i really just wanna thank you all from the bottom of my heart. ily all and enjoy x


When you all began to run towards the cavern where you'd left Eddie, you felt dread bundle up inside you. It was only when you reached his lifeless body that it was exploited, spreading from head to toe and sending you into Bill's side. He was cold and as devastated as you were over the sight of your dead friend.

Because you knew the moment you saw him that he was long gone.

Richie didn't seem to care, or realize, though, because he dropped to Eddie's side.

"Eddie, we got Pennywise, man!" He told him, patting his cheek. When he didn't reply, the smile he wore dropped. "Eddie?"

His broken whisper was all it took for the tears to begin falling down your cheeks. You sniffed, trying to stop the sob that was building in your throat. You felt one of Bill's tears hit your forearm.

Richie stared at the man's face, as if he was trying to encapsulate it in his memory. Just a little longer.

The rumbling in the distance was enough to distract you from the heart-wrenching scene in front of you, and you whispered Richie's name.

"We have to go." You hear Ben mumble. Richie shakes his head. 

"No, no, he's alright. He's just hurt. We gotta get him out of here. He's hurt. Ben?" He motions for the man to come help him lift Eddie, but when he stays rooted in place, he stares at him broken-heartedly. 

"Bill, come help me. He's just hurt. We've gotta get him outta here."

You sniffle again, trying to stop the sobs building in your throat. "Richie." You whisper, and he turns to you with a frantic expression. 

"What?" He whispers, the voice of a dying heart on his tongue, and you know that he knows what you're going to say. 

"Honey, he's dead." You whimper. Richie stares at you for a moment, before looking back at Eddie.

"Rich, we gotta get out of here, come on." Bev whispers, tapping his shoulder. Bill wipes tears from his face as the rumbling outside gets louder, and you hear bits of debris begin falling around.

Bill, Ben and Mike work on dragging Richie away from your childhood friend's body. He wraps him in one final hug before he's pulled away.

You turn away from the sight, letting out a gut-wrenching sob. You look over the way the chamber you were just in began to fall apart- the spikes were breaking apart and floating away, and dust was beginning to swirl around. 

You take one final look at Eddie's body as Bev grips your arm and leads you towards the entrance of the chamber. You whisper a goodbye under your breath, for only him.

Because if heaven did exist, he'd hear you.

He'd know that you'd all won. 

You follow Beverly as she runs back through the way you all came- going through the tiny crawlspace, up the well-like hole, through the water of the sewer you'd battled Pennywise in 27 years ago for the first time. 

You find yourself numb to the noises going on around you as you follow Bev, who turns around every few minutes to make sure you're all safe and following her. 

The rumbling and debris is seemingly following you as the whole house begins to fall apart.

You climb up the well, and through the basement with surprising speed. The others follow you and Beverly just as quick. The house quite literally shakes underneath your feet. 

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