Chapter 2 | Listen before I go

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"How does he always get both the girls? He's not even that good looking." Steve complained about Bucky to the rather short lady beside him.

Steve didn't know if it was the jealousy he was reeking of, or his annoyance at Bucky that pushed him to hear everything the two blondes walking beside his friend were saying. The fear of eavesdropping didn't hold him back anymore and not even a minute had passed before he started regretting his decisions.

"Oh James, you're such a delight. Wish young Steve back there would grow some muscles too. At least then we'd have enough eye candy to split." One of them said right after she'd looked back and rolled her eyes at the duo.

"Did she just call me weak?" Steve whined. It was like a pendulum, his insecurity, making it's way back every 5-7 business minutes. Sometimes it'd go away right away and sometimes it would stay long enough to ruin his spirit. Iris knew it was the first by how fast Steve went on to whine about something else.

"Why're you so short?" He complained once again looking down at Iris who was almost a foot shorter than him.

"Why must you act like a child who's pacifier was taken away?" Iris said almost irritated. "What's gotten you so cranky all of a sudden? You seemed just fine on the bus." But Steve wasn't listening to her anymore. His short attention span was now focused on cotton candy and the kids eating it.

"Do you want any?" Steve asked Iris. She gave him a concerned look. She was sure at this point that he'd hit his head on the wall he was being beat up against. It could be a concussion, but what if it was permanent damage? And then she was concerned more about herself. Why was it that she would reach the most absurd conclusions over every minor inconvenience that came her way?

"Guys come on! The presentation's starting!" Said the young blonde they'd forgotten about.

Iris rolled her eyes at her. She turned to Steve but he wasn't by her side anymore. She'd left him a few steps behind, staring at children.

"Let's go Stevey!" She called out to him. He snapped out of his daze and ran towards her, like a little puppy reuniting with their human

The presentation started and all eyes were on the presenter, Howard Stark. He was truly a man turning science into magic. Steve offered the popcorn he'd bought out of hunger to one of the blondes. She almost took the popcorn thinking it was Iris but she was met by Steve when she followed the hand to the face. Her smile turned to an expression of disgust. She turned around once again facing the presentation, his face now being smacked by her long hair. Iris, who was quietly watching the exchange let out a small laugh. Usually he'd be hurt but he knew she hadn't eaten all day either. He offered her the popcorn he'd offered to the blonde, only this time the lady he offered it to, accepted it. And that's when he saw it, the recruitment centre. He didn't know they had one here and figured that it was worth a shot and so he escaped.

Not even 10 minutes into the presentation, Stark's creation fell to the ground. It wasn't much of a regular car anymore either. Ending earlier than expected, Bucky thought it would be a good idea to go out dancing. He turned around to ask Steve and Iris if they'd be interested but he only saw Iris, standing alone.

"Where's Steve?" Asked Bucky.

"Don't even ask. I am so tired of him running away to different recruitment centers all day." Iris responded closing her eyes, resting her forehead against the palm of her hand.

Bucky sighed. This would be the 6th time Steve would be lying on his application just to join the army. He told the blondes he'd be back soon and left with Iris to stop him.

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