Is it me or my life suck?

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win POV~
I don't know why? But I decide to left my house for good. Well you may ask why? But it a good thing that I left, my stepmother and sister are killing me at home I don't want it I prefer to die then stay a day in that house. Well I got adopted by this one family it call wen family, they pretty rich and famous because their family do business with the Vachirawit family. If you don't know the family are the top 4 richest family in this city.

" oops I drop it by accident"~Sophia (The adopted sister). " It okay I will clean it" I answer back, she don't even know how to cook, clean the house and all the housewife have to do. How is she going to get marry if her parents keep on spoilt he probably won't even get marry like this. " Ohhh yeah I just want to say that you beloved fiancé is going to marry me in the future!!!"- Sophia. " What!" I shouted across the room her parents came out of the room and ask me why I was shouting. " Why didn't you tell me that Sophia are going to get married with my fiancé? why did you lie to me?" I ask my adopted parents.

" Ohh about that I mean I was about to tell you, but I guess my daughter are to excited about it"- My adopter mother. I was heartbreaking because it was the second time I was hearth break. I already give all my love to him how could he do this to me? How could him? We have spend time for 1 year and a half now. But I guess it was mean nothing to him, I love him with all my hearth.

" Ohh congratulations on you wedding day." I answer with the faker smile I can give them. I clean up the broken vase and when upstairs to my room. " Hey Fong? Want to go to the club with me? just drink something I need to get my mind of this mess..." I call Fong immediately after I close my bedroom door. I when out of the house and straight to my so-called car, I when to the club that Fong an I was supposed to meet.

To be continue...

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