Chapter 8: The Toxicity Challenge

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~(y/n) POV~

Everyone was tired from last night, so we went to our rooms, except me, and slept. I walked down the hall of Mike and Sullivan's room. I open the door just to see Sullivan's hand in Mike's bed and Mike cuddling with his hand.

¨Mmm, I know. You're a princess and I'm just a stable boy,¨ Mike says in his sleep as he was about to kiss Sullivan's hand. I'm glad I was recording this, I could use this as blackmail.

Just then, the alarm went off, and Mike woke up to see his hand. He yelped and pushed his hand away only to make Sullivan fall off the top bunk.

¨Mom! What're you doing?¨ Sullivan asked as he got up.

¨Your grubby paws were in my bed!¨Mike exclaimed. Sullivan raised his hand up.

¨Were you kissing my hand?¨

¨Ha, ha, ha, no. And what about you with all your shedding?¨

¨I don't shed.¨


Mike hit the bottom of the top bunk and Sullivan's fur fell out. I slowly walked and shut the door. I hear a camera flash and see Squishy took a photo of me.

¨Good morning,¨ Squishy said with a smile. I smile at the younger.

¨Good morning to you, too,¨ I say as I walk out of the way for Sullivan and Mike to fall out through the door. Squishy took a picture of them on the floor.

¨First morning in the house,¨ Squishy said.

¨That's going in the album,¨ Art said doing finger gun motion. Don came up the stairs excitedly.

¨Guys, we got a letter!¨ Don said as he went to give the letter to Mike, but his tentacles stopped him. Mike ripped out of his tentacles. ¨Tentacles, they're sticky.¨

Mike opened the letter and gasped.

¨It's the first event of the Scare Games! A child's room is where you scare but avoid the toxicity lurking there,¨ Mike read the letter with a confused face at the end. Sullivan took the letter out of his hand.

¨Wait a minute, where do they want us to be?¨

We ended up going to the biggest part of the sewers that was abandoned.

¨Of all the sewers on campus, this one has always been my favorite,¨ Art said with a smile.

¨Art, you've been here before?¨ Terry asked.

¨I have a life outside of the house, you know.¨

As we walked in, we heard the roar of excited monsters.

¨Welcome to your worst nightmare, the Scare Games!¨ Brock exclaimed as the monsters got more excited. Mike noticed Dean Hardscrabble on one of the levels. He was filled with determination.

¨Let's hear it for the sororities and frats competing in this year's games,¨ Claire said. ¨Jaws Theta Chi!¨

¨Python Nu Kappa!¨

¨Slugma Slugma Kappa!¨

¨Roar Omega Roar!¨

¨Eta Hiss Hiss!¨

¨and finally, Oozma Kappa.¨

The crowd stopped cheering and looked at us. Squishy's mom cheered for us and took our picture.

¨Let's begin the first competition, the Toxicity Challenge!¨

¨Human children are toxic! And anything they touch is toxic!¨ Claire said as she points to some painted children's toy on the wall.

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